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Pacific Islands Anthropology: Archiving Field Materials: Bibliography

A guide to resources and issues to consider when archiving field materials.

Pacific Islands Anthropology & Archives

Dobrin, Lise M., and Gary Holton.  2013. The Documentation Lives a Life of its Own: The Temporal Transformation of Two Endangered Language Archive Projects.  Museum Anthropology Review 7 (1-2): 140-154.

Geismar, Haidy.  2009.  Stone Men of Malekula on Malakula: An Ethnography of an Ethnography.  Ethnos 74 (2): 199-228.

Hanlon, David.  1999.  The Chill of History: the Experience, Emotion and Changing Politics of Archival Research in the Pacific.  Archives and Manuscripts: Journal of the Australian Society of Archivists 26 (1): 8-21.

Jaarsma, Sjoerd R., ed.  Handle with Care: Ownership and Control of Ethnographic Materials.  Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.  Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania monograph series.  This volume was the result of an ASAO session, Repatriation of Field Material: Possibilities, Prospects, and Problems, which took place in 1998 through 2000.  Table of contents (only) available online.

Kaima, Sam.  2006. The Photographic Database at the University of Papua New Guinea Library.  Journal of Pacific History 41 (2): 233-235.

Keesing, Roger M.  1994.  Responsibilities of Long-term Research.  In Culture, Kastom, Tradition: Developing Cultural Policy in Melanesia.  Lamont Lindstrom and Geoffrey M. White, eds.  Pp. 187-197.    Suva, Fiji: Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific. 

Newnham, Mick.  [undated]  Surveying the State of Audiovisual Archiving in Papua New Guinea.  National Film & Sound Archive, Australia.

Smith, David A. 2008.  From Nunavut to Micronesia: Feedback and Description, Visual Repatriation and Online Photographs of Indigenous Peoples.  Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research 3 (1).

Todd, Christopher R.R.  2014.  Micronesian Libraries and Archives: a Review of the Literature.  IFLA Journal 40 (4): 289-295. (Link is to abstract only)

Tuzin, Donald F.  The Melanesian Archive. 1995. In Preserving the Anthropological Record. 


Other Works

After the Return: Digital Repatriation and the Circulation of Indigenous Knowledge.  2013.  Themed issue of: Museum Anthropology Review 7 (1-2).

Brown, Michael F.  2003. Who Owns Native Culture?  Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Brown, Michael F. 2005.  Heritage Trouble: Recent Work on the Protection of Intangible Cultural Property.  International Journal of Cultural Property 12: 40-61.

Christen, Kimberly.  2009.  Access and Accountability: the Ecology of Information Sharing in the Digital Age.  Anthropology News (April): 4-5.

Christen, Kimberly.  2011.  Opening Archives: Respectful Repatriation.  The American Archivist 74 (Spring/Summer): 185-2010.

Jungen, Christine, and Candice Raymond, eds.. 2012. Practiques d'Archives: Fabriques, Modelages, Manipulations = Archive Practices: Construction, Modelling, Manipulation.  Ateliers d'anthropologie 36.  Articles in French, with English summaries.

Kenworthy, Mary Anne, et al. 1985.  Preserving Field Records: Archival Techniques for Archaeologists and Anthropologists.  Philadelphia: University Museum, University of Pennsylvania.

Leopold, Robert.  2008. The Second Life of Ethnographic Fieldnotes. Ateliers d'anthropologie (Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie comparative) 32.  Examples drawn from the National Anthropological Archive. 

Lydon, Jane.  2010.  Return: the Photographic Archive and Technologies of Indigenous Memory.  Theme issue, "Photography, Archive and Memory," Photographies 3 (2): 173-187.

Molinié, Antoinette, and Marie-Dominique Mouton, eds.  2008.  L'Ethnologue aux Prises avec les Archives.  Ateliers d'anthropologie 32.  Theme issue. All articles but one (see Leopold 2008) in French.

Nathan, David.  2014.  The Access Powers: Open Access and Language Documentation.  Endangered Languages and Cultures.

Nathan, David, and Peter K. Austin, eds. 2014.  Language Documentation and Description, vol. 12: Special Issue on Lanauge Documentation and Archiving.

Rydz, Michelle.  2010.  Participatory Archiving: Exploring a Collaborative Approach to Aboriginal Societal Provenance. M.A. thesis, Department of History (Archival Studies), University of Manitoba/University of Winnipeg.

Silverman, Sydel, and Nancy J. Parezo, eds.  1995. Preserving the Anthropological Record.  2nd edition. New York: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 1995.

Singer, Ruth.  2014.  Open Access and Intimate Fieldwork.  Endangered Languages and Cultures.  Blog report on a discussion.

Singer, Ruth.  2014.  Sharing the load? Problems with the 'lone depositor' model for the archiving of materials in endangered language archives.  Endangered Languages and Cultures. Blog report on a discussion.

Tuzin, Donald F.  2001.  Research Ethics, Cross-cultural Dimensions of.  In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences.  Amsterdam: Elsevier.  Pp. 13231-13235.

Wiles, Rose; Prosser, Jon; Bagnoli, Anna; Clark, Andrew; Davies, Katherine, Holland, Sally and Renold, Emma 2008. Visual ethics: ethical issues in visual research. [Working Paper]. NCRM Working Paper. Southampton: National Centre for Research Methods.