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African American Studies: Full Text

Getting Full Text Articles

Get it at UC 

The full text of an article within a database is provided in multiple formats. Look for:

  • An HTML link
  • PDF link
  • Link to Get it at UC

The Get it at UC link will provide you options for how to access the full text of the article. If there are no online links available, this means you need to request the item through Interlibrary Loan if a print version is not available at UC San Diego. The Library will deliver the full text of an article to you free of charge. When requesting you will need your Library ID number.

Your library card/account number begins with "21822" and can be found on the back of your UCSD ID card or within the UCSD app. Enter the 14-digit number without spaces.

Google Scholar + Get it at UC

Set up Google Scholar for full-text access.

  1. Go to
  2. Click settings from the top menu of the browser window
  3. Choose Library links 
  4. Search for University of California, San Diego - Get it at UC
  5. Mark check box next to the option
  6. Save