Whether you need assistance with creating a data management plan, training on data management best practices, guidance on depositing your data in a repository, help creating a digital object identifier (DOI) for your research outputs, or instruction on research computing skills, the Library’s Research Data Curation program is here to help.
You can explore data deposited by UC San Diego researchers and affiliates in the Library's research data digital collections. The collections include data from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Open Data Initiative, Data Science & Engineering Master of Advanced Study (DSE MAS) Capstone Projects, a wide variety of data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and much more.
To schedule a consultation for depositing your research data (as may be required by journals for article publication), contact Research-Data-Curation@ucsd.edu.
Research IT at UC San Diego offers free Research Computing and Data (RCD) support and services to faculty, research staff, postdoctoral, graduate, and undergraduate students throughout all academic departments, schools, and divisions. A non-exhaustive list of services include: direct engagement and resource recommendations to faculty, assistance in integrating new technologies in the lab, development of demos or proof-of-concepts for researchers, and consulting to provide solutions toward advanced cyberinfrastructure and cloud service needs.
Research IT also organizes and runs the popular Carpentries workshops, hands-on trainings that cover the core programming skills needed to be productive in a research team. Short tutorials alternate with practical exercises, and all instruction is done via live coding.
The Library's Scholarly Communication Services supports researchers and scholars at UC San Diego from all backgrounds, disciplines, and at all career stages in matters relating to scholarly communication, such as: copyright, fair use, and author rights; publishing opportunities and support; scholarly reputation and impact; open educational resources; and open access and public access policy.
Services include: