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Global Public Health: Find Articles

Finding, Identifying, and Evaluating Article Literature

Articles can be found in a range of publications, including magazines, newspapers,  journals, and websites.  To learn more about evaluating articles in order to see if they are appropriate for your research project, see the drop-down page Scholarly? Authoritative? Peer Reviewed? Which do I have?

Most databases provide citations to articles without providing the full-text but some do provide the full-text articles (allowing you to access the full-text without connecting to another electronic resources).  Review the box below "Getting Full Text Articles" and/or the drop-down page by the same title.


Getting Full Text Articles

 Get it at UC

The full text of an article within a database is provided in multiple formats. Look for:

  • An HTML link
  • PDF link
  • Link to Get it at UC

The UC links will provide you options for how to access the full text of the article. If there are no online links available, this means you need to request the item through Interlibrary Loan if a print version is not available at UC San Diego. The Library will deliver the full text of an article to you free of charge. When requesting you will need to sign in with your Active Directory credentials.

Databases helpful for finding articles on global health topics

Health Focused Databases


For more medical and health sciences resources, you can use the Medicine libguide.


Additional Subject-specific Databases That May be Helpful for Public Health Research


Cross-disciplinary Databases that Allow Searching for Literature on Many Disciplines at Once