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Global Public Health: Migration, Immigration and Refugees

See Also

The International Migration and Statistics Research Guide

The Government Resources Tab (a drop-down tab from Primary Sources) on this Guide

The Legal Material Tab (a drop-down tab from Primary Sources) on the Latin American Studies Research Guide

The Human Rights Research Guide


Introductory Materials on Migration, Immigration and Refugees

Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM ) Action Guide to Immigrant Advocacy Very useful guide (with a link for ongoing editions) identifying resources to learn more about the situation of detainees on the Southern US border, organizations to support, and methods to advocate for better policies and humane treatment of undocumented immigrants.

The Torn Apart Project: This website uses digital technologies to map the significance of US Immigration and Cutoms Enforcement (ICE) detention centers.  Volume I locates all ICE detention centers on a US map, and provides additional access points to alternative views of the ICE landscape, including information such as photographs and data.  The Allies tab links to a directory of organizations providing various kinds of support to undocumented immigrants. Volume II digs deeper, tracing the financial context of ICE; who has funded and who has profited from this phenomenon, including the role of money, businesses, and politicians and government agencies.

Good Databases for Research on Immigrants and Migration

Government Resources

ICE Annual Reports provide overviews of ICE's internal organization (IE various divisions and departments) and programs as well as statistics on ICE activity, such as

  • numbers of arrests broken out by such factors as place and date and cause (IE crimes committed)
  • numbers of prisoners, broken out by such factors as nationality and average length of stay   
  • numbers of deportations, broken out by such factors as nationality of deportees, age, and whether they are individuals or family units or unaccompanied minor

California Immigration and Refugee Information

UC Hastings College of the Law Center for Gender and Refugee Studies

CA Demographic Reports -- Immigration and Migration

Demographic research and analysis extracted from the 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses, the American Community Survey, various years of the Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement, and migration (which describes movements within the same country or state) and immigration (which describes movements between countries)

Legal Information

See also the Legal Information Tab/Page on this guide.

Please note that because the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security are Executive Federal Agencies, Regulatory Law (found in the Code of Federal Regulations and Federal Register) play an important role in shaping immigration policy.  As indicated in the box to the right, these can be accessed in Hein Online as well as the open access government links indicated here.

In addition, the linked essay may be helpful to understand current (2018-) Logistics and Realities of Regulatory Reforms to Deter Immigrants from Soliciting and Securing Asylum (focused on Central American migrants, but applicable individuals and groups representing other ethnicities and nationalities) 

Data and Statistics

Human Rights Information

LInks to Information on Migration and Refugees emphasizing and examining the situation from a human rights angle

Public Opinion Data

Research Institutes Focusing on Immigration

UCSD Center for Comparative Immigration Studies

UCSD's Center for Comparative Immigration Studies (CCIS) is dedicated to high quality academic scholarship and policy-oriented research on all aspects related to international migration. It is the only academic center in the United States specializing in international migration from a broad geographical as well as interdisciplinary perspective, devoting substantial attention to migrant-sending and receiving countries in North America, Europe, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region.  The Center coordinates educational programs involving field research, sponsors visiting scholars, and offers a lecture series on themes relevant to the center’s scope.