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LATI 180 Latin American Energy Transitions: Business Research (Including Company and Industry Profiles)

Databases for Business Research

IMPORTANT ACCESS INFORMATION for BNA AMERICAS(1) The first time you login, you need to use the passwordless login – put in your email, and click on send magic link. (2) The magic link will probably go to your Junk Mail/Spam – and, if you have that set so that you get a daily digest, by the time you get it, it will probably have expired.  Here’s how to get it more quickly and unblock it for the future. (3) Search your inbox or junk mail or deleted mail for: UCSD Spam Quarantine (4) Click on “Request New End User Digest” – which will bring up a digest of your most recent spam alerts (5) Find the message from (likely in your junk mail) and click on “Release and Allow Sender” – so that that this email will go into your inbox and, in the future, any emails from BNAmericas will not be blocked.  Once you get in, you will be able to reset your password for continued use.