Dance, Daryl Cumber. Fifty Caribbean Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical and Critical Sourcebook. NY: Greenwood Press, 1986. Geisel Reference PR 9205 .A52 F54 1986; also in 7th Fl. stacks.
Encyclopedia of Caribbean Literature. Ed. Figueredo, D. H. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2006. Geisel 7th Fl. PN849 .C3 E53.
Encyclopedia of Latin Americn and Caribbean Literature, 1900-2003. Ed. Daniel Balderston and Mike Gonzalez. NY: Routledge, 2004. Online and Geisel 2nd Fl. West Reference PQ 7081 .A1 E558 2004
Herdeck, Donald E. et al., eds. Caribbean Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical-Critical Encyclopedia. Washington DC: Three Continents, 1979. Geisel 2nd Fl. West Reference PR 9210.5 .C37; also in 7th Fl. stacks.
The Routledge Companion to Anglophone Caribbean Literature. Ed. Michael Bucknor and Alison Donnell. NY: Routledge, 2011.
Walder, Dennis. Post-Colonial Literatures in English: History, Language, Theory. Blackwell Publishers, 1998. Geisel 7th Fl. PR9080 .W25