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Literatures in English: Copyright (History and Current Law)

This page lists sources that cover multiple periods, genres, and/or nationalities. See additional resources in the "Historical Literary Period" and "Geographical Region" pages.

Current U.S. Copyright Law

Points to Understand About Copyright and Manage Your Intellectual Property. Information and tips from the University of California to help you, as a scholar, editor, or creative writer make your work more accessible while maintaing as many of your own copyrights as possible.

University of California Copyright Education Website. More information about your rights to cite others' work as well as to maintain your own coyrights. 

Copyright and Film/Video.  

Copyright and Images.

Kozak, Ellen M. Every Writer's Guide to Copyright and Publishing Law. 3rd edition. New York: Henry Holt, 2004. Geisel Reference DESK KF 3020 .Z9 K685 2004 (1st edition, 1990, in SSHL Stacks)

Crews, Kenneth D. Copyright Law for Librarians and Educators: Creative Strategies and Practical Solutions. 2nd ed. Chicago: American Library Association, 2006. KF 2995 C74 2005 Geisel Reference + SSHL Stacks.

Russell, Carry, ed. Copyright Law: An Everyday Guide for Librarians. Chicago: American Library Association, 2004. Geisel Reference KF 2995 .C57 2004


Subject Headings

Use these official Library of Congress Subject Headings in Roger or Melvyl to discover monographs concerning literary copyright and similar topics: 

Basic Terms:


Copyright--United States--History

Broader and Related Terms:

Intellectual Property

Piracy (Copyright)--History


Book Industries and Trade--Law and Legislation

[Author name]--Relationships with Publishers