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VIS 128E Photography and Asia: E-Books


Ainosco 是科探索 

         Full text book search engine for books published in Taiwan, Hong Kong and mainland China

Ariti E-Books 华艺中文电子书

It provides access to Chinese ebooks primarily published in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. It covers subjects such as philosophy, religion, natural sciences, applied science, social sciences, history, geography, language and linguistics, and literature and arts.

China Digital Library (Apabi E-books) 中华电子书苑

        E-book Collection:

        Reference Collection:

        Yearbook Collection:

        Newspaper Collection: 

《人民日报》(始于 2009/9/1)、《光明日报》(始于 2013/8/23)、《环球时报》(始于 1993/1/3)、《文汇 报》(始于 2012/9/17)、《解放军报》(始于 2009/6/1)、《中国文化报》(始于 2008/8/4)、《中国经济时报》(始 于 2012/8/1)、《检察日报》(始于 2008/8/19)、《人 民法院报》(始于 2009/12/27)、《新华每日电讯》(始 于 2010/11/20)、《南方都市报》(始于 2007/8/10)、《中国青年报》(始于 2012/9/1) 、《北京日报》(始 于 2005/1/1)、《福建日报》(始于 2008/1/1)、《科技日报》(始于 2008/7/11)、《上海证券报》(始于 2012/5/2)、《中国知识产权报》(始于 2010/4/9)、《中国医药报》(始于 2007/11/20)、《中国体育报》(始于 2007/5/28)、《中国教育报》(始于 2008/12/1)、《中 国妇女报》(始于 2008/1/1)、《新民晚报》(始于 2007/3/7)、 《经济参考报》(始于 2008/1/2)、《羊城晚报》(始于 2007/8/27)、《重庆日报》(始于 2007/12/27)《南方周末》(始于 1984/2/11)

        Pictures Collection:

Chinamaxx Digital Libraries 中文电子书集献

Also known as Chinamaxx Digital Library of Chinese E-Books, and SuperStar Digital Libraries

Note: compatible with IE browser; requires SuperStar Reader (SS Reader)




Local gazetteer collection (late 1960s to mid 1980s), People's Pictorial, and Historical Documents in the SuperStar Digital Libraries

Duxiu 读秀

More than 1.4 million full-text books

Currently available -- full-text searches, tables of content, and first 17 pages

Browse and forward purchase suggestions to Xi Chen,

Encyclopedia of Taiwan 臺灣文獻叢刊 臺灣文獻叢刊 

Also known as the Encyclopedia of Taiwan; contains search-able full-text and scanned images of 595 books originally published in print between 1959 and 1972; temporal coverage from the Tang Dynasty to the Japanese occupation period

Local histories, official documents of the Ming-Qing and Nan-Ming Dynasties

Chinese Dictionary & Kangxi Dictionary 汉语大词典、康熙字典

Integrates 漢語大詞典, 漢語大詞典訂補 and 康熙字典 (標點整理本) with full-text search capability. It provides one-stop search for etymology, pronunciation, definition and documentary evidence in these three Chinese language reference works.

Pishu 皮書 China Economy, Public Policy, and Security Database

These analytical reports published by the prestigious Social Sciences Academic Press, are intended to guide policymaking in the PRC.

Google Book Search Project

Following the initial Google (Oxford, Harvard, U Michigan, NYPL, and Stanford), the Google Book Project involves Google 25 (25 major libraries in the world), and more than 2 million digitized volumes in 42 languages

HathiTrust Digital Library

An increasingly comprehensive digital archive of library materials converted from print that is co-owned and managed by a number of academic institutions

More than 50 partners, including all UC campuses

Membership open to institutions worldwide

UC Press E-Books Collection, 1982-2004 

Includes about 2,000 books from academic presses on a range of topics including art, science, history, music, religion, and fiction

Access to the entire collection is open to all UC faculty, staff and students

More than 500 titles available to the public

ACLS (American Council of Learned Societies) Humanities E-Book (HEB)

An online, fully searchable collection of high-quality books in the humanities, recommended and reviewed by scholars

Area Studies and Historical Studies are amongst the many fields currently covered

US-China Million Book Digital Library Project 高等学校中英图书数字化国际合作计划

An international digital library project to provide free full-text access to one million books, including 500,000 rare Chinese language books and 500,000 English language books about China

A special emphasis upon topics relating to Chinese language, history, and culture 古籍, 民国图书, 民国期刊,现代图书,绘画,视频