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Weekly Roundup Archive: WR 9/21/19

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This page is an attempt to provide current awareness of federal government reports and activities. The page will be updated weekly to provide links to important, news-worthy, or interesting material published during the previous week. The goal is to keep the links to a manageable number for readers, not to be a comprehensive listing.

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Please keep in mind that government agencies may present material in a way that reads favorably for the government. You are encouraged to consult other resources (e.g. newspapers) for additional information and/or context.

Press releases : Sept. 21 - Sept. 27

9/23 - CDC and ATSDR Award $7 Million to Begin Multi-Site PFAS Study (CDC)

9/23 - The United States Co-Hosts Second Ministerial Meeting on Advancing Responsible State Behavior in Cyberspace (State)

9/23 - U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao Announces Nearly One Billion Dollars in Infrastructure Grants to 354 Airports in 44 States (DOT)

9/23 – Whistleblower Reveals FAA Safety Inspectors Lacked Sufficient Training to Certify Airline Pilots (OSC)

9/23 - $12.6 Million in Grants Go to “Save America’s Treasures” (IMLS)

9/23 - Acting Secretary McAleenan Announces End to Widespread Catch and Release (DHS)

9/24 - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and NOAA Fisheries Update Effective Date of Section 7 Final Rule under the Endangered Species Act (FWS)

9/24 - USDA Forest Service proposes changes to address land management challenges (FS)

9/24 - HHS Secretary Azar Statement on 2020 Medicare Advantage Rate Decrease (HHS)

9/24 – U.S. Department of Labor Issues Final Overtime Rule (DOL)

9/24 - Department of Justice Announces Interim Policy on Emerging Method to Generate Leads for Unsolved Violent Crimes (DOJ)

9/24 - Interior Statement on Funding for BLM Relocation (DOI)

9/26 - ACS Provides New State and Local Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Statistics (Census)

9/26 - Annual Suicide Report Memo (DOD. Note: ASR is here)

9/26 - Report to Congress on Proposed Refugee Admissions for FY 2020 (State)

9/26 – EPA Administrator Wheeler calls out California’s Environmental Protection Failure (EPA)

9/26 - Acting ICE director calls out jurisdictions with sanctuary policies for threatening public safety (ICE)

9/26 - Draft Interpretive Rule Concerning Prohibited Activities Involving Foreign Nationals (FEC)