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Weekly Roundup Archive: WR 10/2/21

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This page is an attempt to provide current awareness of federal government reports and activities. The page will be updated weekly to provide links to important, newsworthy, or interesting material published during the previous week. The goal is to keep the links to a manageable number for readers, not to be a comprehensive listing. All links are captured in the Internet Archive if possible, and a list of earlier roundups is available.

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Please keep in mind that government agencies may present material in a way that reads favorably for the government. You are encouraged to consult other resources (e.g. newspapers) for additional information and/or context.

Press releases: Oct 2 - Oct 8

10/4 - Justice Department Addresses Violent Threats Against School Officials and Teachers (DOJ)

10/4 - HHS Issues Final Regulation Aimed at Ensuring Access to Equitable, Affordable, Client-Centered, Quality Family Planning Services (HHS; direct to final rule; see also, Senate HELP chair statement)

10/4 - Oct. 4 Update on the NCNR: Root Cause Analysis and Safety Review Submitted to NRC (NIST; direct to report page; see also, background info)

10/5 - PHMSA Corrective Action Order to Amplify Energy Corporation, Beta Offshore [re: Southern CA oil spill] (DOT)

10/5 - Impact of USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) on Rural and Urban Economies in the Aftermath of the Great Recession (ERS)

10/5 - NASA, FEMA to Host Alliance for Climate Action Series in October (NASA)

10/5 - Analysis shows coral loss of 14% worldwide (NOAA; direct to report page)

10/5 - Smithsonian Names Tamar Evangelestia-Dougherty Director of Smithsonian Libraries and Archives (SI)

10/6 - Household Pulse Survey Phase 3.2 Biweekly Data Release (Census)

10/6 - U.S. Department of Education Announces Transformational Changes to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, Will Put Over 550,000 Public Service Workers Closer to Loan Forgiveness (ED; see also, fact sheet)

10/6 - EIA projects increases in global energy consumption and emissions through 2050 (EIA; direct to report page)

10/6 - EPA Releases 2020 Data Collected under Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (EPA)

10/6 - Sandia creates global archive of historical renewable energy documents (Sandia; direct to archive)

10/6 - CEQ Proposes to Restore Basic Community Safeguards during Federal Environmental Reviews (WH)

10/7 - CIA Makes Changes to Adapt to Future Challenges (CIA)

10/7 - Administration Leaders Applaud President Biden’s Restoration of National Monuments (DOI; see also, WH fact sheet and proclamations for Bears Ears, Grand Staircase-Escalante, and Northeast Canyons and Seamounts)

10/8 - DHS to Terminate Border Barrier Contracts in Laredo and Rio Grande Valley (DHS)

10/8 - U.S. Department of Education to Establish an Enforcement Office Within Federal Student Aid (ED)

10/8 - U.S. hit with 18 billion-dollar disasters so far this year (NOAA; direct to report page)

Bills Signed into Law: Oct 2 - Oct 8

Information below is from Date listed is date signed into law, and the description is an abbreviated version of bill summary available on that website.

10/2 - H.R.5434 Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2021 - provides an extension of Federal-aid highway, highway safety, and transit programs

10/8 - S.1828 HAVANA Act of 2021 - authorizes the CIA, the Department of State, and other agencies to provide payments to agency personnel who incur brain injuries from hostilities while on assignment

10/8 -  S.1917 K-12 Cybersecurity Act of 2021 - requires CISA to study the cybersecurity risks facing elementary and secondary schools and develop recommendations that include cybersecurity guidelines designed to assist schools in facing those risks (see also, president’s statement)

Inspector General reports : Oct 2 - Oct 8

Congressional Budget Office / Congressional Research Service / Government Accountability Office : Oct 2 - Oct 8