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Weekly Roundup Archive: WR 12/10/22

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This page is an attempt to provide current awareness of federal government reports and activities. The page will be updated weekly to provide links to important, newsworthy, or interesting material published during the previous week. The goal is to keep the links to a manageable number for readers, not to be a comprehensive listing. All links are captured in the Internet Archive if possible, and a list of earlier roundups is available.

Each Monday, our GovInfo at UC San Diego Library Facebook page will link back to this page for the latest update. You're welcome to follow us there if you'd like to receive notifications. You can also get notified of updates by hovering over the Weekly Roundup tab and clicking "Receive Notifications," then entering your email address and hitting the subscribe button.

Please keep in mind that government agencies may present material in a way that reads favorably for the government. You are encouraged to consult other resources (e.g. newspapers) for additional information and/or context.

Press releases : Dec 10 - Dec 16

12/12 - EPA Releases Annual Automotive Trends Report (EPA; direct to report page)

12/12 - FBI Releases 2021 Hate Crime Statistics (FBI; direct to data explorer; see also, AAG statement and NYT article)

12/13 - CFPB and FHFA Publish Updated Data from the National Survey of Mortgage Originations for Public Use (CFPB; direct to data page)

12/13 - DHS to Address Life, Safety, Environmental, and Remediation Requirements for Border Barrier Projects in San Diego, Yuma, El Paso (DHS)

12/13 - Statement by Secretary Mayorkas on Planning for End of Title 42 (DHS; direct to update)

12/13 - National Ignition Facility achieves fusion ignition (DOE/LLNL)

12/13 - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service launches Center for Pollinator Conservation (FWS; direct to website)

12/13 - NASA’s Big 2022: Historic Moon Mission, Webb Telescope Images, More (NASA)

12/13 - SEC Charges Samuel Bankman-Fried with Defrauding Investors in Crypto Asset Trading Platform FTX (SEC; see also, related DOJ release)

12/13 - Plans for a Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy (State)

12/13 - U.S. Postal Service Reveals Additional Stamps for 2023 (USPS)

12/14 - Department of Defense Releases Annual Demographics Report — Upward Trend in Number of Women Serving Continues (DOD; direct to report page)

12/14 - 25 Eclectic Films Chosen for National Film Registry (LOC)

12/14 - NIH Preprint Pilot Accelerates and Expands Discovery of Research Results (NLM)

12/14 - Issuance of Intelligence Community Directive 126: Implementation Procedures for the Signals Intelligence Redress Mechanism under Executive Order 14086 (ODNI; directo to procedures page)

12/14 - STARCOM Publishes Foundational Doctrine on Sustainment (Space Force; direct to report)

12/14 - Dr. Rahul Gupta Releases Statement on CDC’s New Overdose Death Data (WH/ONDCP; direct to statistics page)

12/15 - National Archives Releases New Group of JFK Assassination Documents (NARA; direct to website)

12/15 - NSA Publishes 2022 Cybersecurity Year in Review (NSA; direct to report)

12/15 - Unclear Standards for Scientific Review and Stifling of Scientific Dissent Resulted in Flawed FDA Process for Evaluating Potential Harm of Tobacco Products (OSC; direct to letter to president, FDA panel evaluation, and whistleblower comments)

12/16 - Afghanistan: Implications of Taliban Rule (DNI; direct to report)

12/16 - EPA Announces FY 2022 Enforcement and Compliance Accomplishments (EPA; direct to website)

12/16 - Secretary Blinken Launches the Office of China Coordination (State)

12/16 - TSA breaks record for number of firearms at security checkpoints, announces new measures to mitigate threat (TSA)

Bills Signed into Law : Dec 10 - Dec 16

Information below is from Date listed is date signed into law, and the description is an abbreviated version of bill summary available on that website.

12/13 - H.R.8404, Respect for Marriage Act- provides statutory authority for same-sex and interracial marriages (see also, remarks by president and vice president and video of signing ceremony)

12/16 - H.R. 1437, Further Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2023 - provides fiscal year 2023 appropriations to federal agencies through 12/23/22 (via WH)

Inspectors General reports : Dec 10 - Dec 16

It's time for Fall Semiannual Reports, which report OIG activities and significant findings/ recommendations for April - September, 2022. SAR availability is tracked on this page.

12/12 - Audit of Vetting and Continuous Review of International Military Students Training in the United States (DOD)

12/12 - Management Advisory: Define voter registration, voter education, and get-out-the-vote (EAC)

12/14 - Cattle Health Program Disease Incident Response (USDA)

Miscellaneous : Dec 10 - Dec 16

12/11 - Thousands of Teens Are Being Pushed Into Military’s Junior R.O.T.C. (via New York Times)

12/14 - Select Committee Democrats Release Final Report on Key Accomplishments, Additional Opportunities (Congress/House Climate Crisis; direct to report page)

12/14 - U.S. House Select Committee on Economic Disparity & Fairness in Growth Releases First-of-its-Kind Documentary on YouTube (Congress; direct to video)

12/14 - A Proclamation on Bill Of Rights Day, 2022 (WH)

12/14 - Census Bureau tables controversial privacy tool for survey (via AP; see also Census blog)

12/15 - House Intelligence Committee Releases COVID-19 Report, Makes Recommendations for Future Pandemic Preparedness (Congress; direct to report and recommendations)

12/15 - ResearchDataGov streamlines requests for data at 16 federal agencies (via ICPSR; direct to article and website)

12/15 - ‘Dark money in politics an even darker place’ now, judges warn (via Washington Post; see also, FEC release with links to legal documents)

12/16 - U.S. attorney general moves to end sentencing disparities on crack, powder cocaine (via Washington Post, with link to source documents)

Trump search warrant:

Docket for Trump v. United States, District Court, S.D. Florida (court documents via Court Listener)

12/12 - Judge Cannon formally dismisses Special Master case in Florida court (see documents 198 and 199 at Court Listener)

12/13 - Chairwoman Maloney Urges NARA to Determine Whether President Trump Still Retains Presidential Records