M 1.1: National Military Establishment (1947-1949(
M 3.1: Armed Services Explosives Safety Board (1948-1949)
M 5.1: Munitions Board (1947-1949)
M 6.1: Research and Development Board (1947-1949)
M 101.1: Department of the Army (1947-1949)
M 102.1: Medical Department (1947-1949)
M 103.1: Historical Division (1947-1949)
M 104.1: Troop Information and Education Division (1947-1949)
M 105.1: Civil Affairs Division (1947-1949)
M 106.1: Intelligence Division (1947-1949)
M 107.1: Judge Advocate General of the Army (1947-1949)
M 108.1: Adjutant General’s Office (1947-1949)
M 109.1: Military Academy (1947-1949)
M 110.1: Engineer Department (1947-1949)
M 111.1: Ordnance Department (1947-1949)
M 112.1: Quartermaster General of the Army (1947-1949)
M 113.1: General Staff (1947-1949)
M 114.1: National Guard Bureau (1947-1949)
M 115.1: Panama Canal (1947-1949)
M 116.1: Finance Department (1947-1949)
M 117.1: Special Services Division (1947-1949)
M 118.1: Public Information Division (1947-1949)
M 119.1: Command and General Staff College (1947-1949)
M 201.1: Department of the Navy (1947-1949)
M 202.1: Hydrographic Office (1947-1949)
M 203.1: Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (1947-1949)
M 204.1: Office of Industrial Relations (1947-1949)
M 205.1: Bureau of Yards and Docks (1947-1949)
M 206.1: Bureau of Naval Personnel (1947-1949)
M 206.101: Naval Academy (1947-1949)
M 206.201: Naval War College (1947-1949)
M 207.1: Office of Naval Operations (1947-1949)
M 208.1: Bureau of Aeronautics (1947-1949)
M 209.1: Marine Corps (1947-1949)
M 210.1: Bureau of Ships (1947-1949)
M 211.1: Bureau of Ordnance (1947-1949)
M 212.1: Naval Observatory (1947-1949)
M 213.1: Bureau of Supplies and Accounts (1947-1949)
M 214.1: Judge Advocate General (1947-1949)
M 215.1: Office of Public Relations (1947-1949)
M 216.1: Office of Naval Research (1947-1949)
M 301.1: Department of the Air Force (1947-1949)
M 302.1: Air Adjutant General’s Office (1947-1949)
M 401.1: Munitions Board
M 501.1: Research and Development Board