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Browse Federal Documents by Call Number: Y4.E


Y 4.Ec 7 Joint Economic Committee
Y 4.Ed 8/1 Committee on Education and the Workforce (House)
Y 4.Ed 8/2 Committee on Education (House)
Y 4.Ed 8/3 Committee on Education and Labor (Senate)
Y 4.Ed 8/4 Select Committee to Investigate Educational and Training Program under the GI Bill (House)
Y 4.El 2/1 Committee on the Election of the President, Vice-President and Representatives (House)
Y 4.El 2/2 Committee on Elections (House)
Y 4.En 2 Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (Senate)
Y 4.En 2/2 Ad Hoc Committee on Energy (House)
Y 4.En 2/3 Committee on Energy and Commerce (House)
Y 4.Ep 4/1 Select Committee on the Origin, Introduction and Prevention of Epidemic Diseases (House)
Y 4.Ep 4/2 Committee on Epidemic Diseases (Senate)
Y 4.Eq 2 Select Committee on Equal Education Opportunities (Senate)
Y 4.Et 3/1 Select Committee on Ether Discovery (House)
Y 4.Et 3/2 Select Committee on Ether Discovery (Senate)
Y 4.Et 3/3 Select Committee on Ethics (House)
Y 4.Et 3/4 Select Committee on Ethics (Senate)
Y 4.Ex 3 Special Committee to Investigate Charges of Execution without A Trial in France (Senate)
Y 4.Ex 3/2 Committee on the Disposition of Executive Papers (House)
Y 4.Ex 3/3 Select Committee on the Investigation of Executive Agencies of the Government (Senate)
Y 4.Ex 3/4 Special Committee to Investigate Executive Agencies (House)
Y 4.Ex 7/1 Committee on Expenditures in the Department of Agriculture (House)
Y 4.Ex 7/2 Committee on Expenditures in the Department of Commerce and Labor (House)
Y 4.Ex 7/3 Committee on Expenditures in the Interior Department (House)
Y 4.Ex 7/4 Committee on Expenditures in the Department of Justice (House)
Y 4.Ex 7/5 Committee on Expenditures in the Navy Department (House)
Y 4.Ex 7/6 Committee on Expenditures in the Post-Office Department (House)
Y 4.Ex 7/7 Committee on Expenditures in Public Buildings (House)
Y 4.Ex 7/8 Committee on Expenditures in the State Department (House)
Y 4.Ex 7/9 Committee on Expenditures in the Treasury Department (House)
Y 4.Ex 7/10 Committee on Expenditures in the War Department (House)
Y 4.Ex 7/11 Select Committee on Expenditures in the War Department (House)
Y 4.Ex7/12 Select Committee Investigating the Expenditures in the Senatorial Primary and General Elections (Senate)
Y 4.Ex 7/13 Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments (House)
Y 4.Ex 7/14 Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments (Senate)
Y 4.Ex 7/15 Select Committee on Export Control (House)