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Browse Federal Documents by Call Number: Y4.P


Y 4.P 11/1 Committee on the Pacific Islands and Porto Rico (Senate)
Y 4.P 11/2 Committee on Pacific Railroad (Senate)
Y 4.P 11/3 Committee on Pacific Railroad (House)
Y 4.P 11/4 Joint Committee on the Pacific Coast Naval Bases
Y 4.P 21 Joint Committee to Investigate the General Parcel Post
Y 4.P 27/1 Patents Committee (House)
Y 4.P 27/2 Patents Committee (Senate)
Y 4.P 31 Joint Committee Investigating the Pearl Harbor Attack
Y 4.P 38/1 Committee on Pensions (House)
Y 4.P 38/2 Committee on Pensions (Senate)
Y 4.P 38/3 Select Committee on the Payment of Pensions, Bounty, and Back Pay
Y 4.P 44 Special Committee Investigating Petroleum Resources (Senate)
Y 4.P 53 Committee on the Philippines (Senate)
Y 4.P 56 Joint Committee to Investigate the Adequacy and Use of Phosphate Resources of the United States
Y 4.P 75 Special Committee to Investigate Political Activities, Lobbying and Campaign Contributions (Senate)
Y 4.P 81 Select Committee on Population (House)
Y 4.P 82 Select Committee on Current Pornographic Materials (House)
Y 4.P 84/1 Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads (House)
Y 4.P 84/2 Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads (Senate)
Y 4.P 84/3 Select Committee on the Relations of the Members with the Post Office Departments (House)
Y 4.P 84/4 Joint Committee on the Postage on Second Class Matter and the Compensation for Transportation of Mails
Y 4.P 84/5 Joint Commission on Postal Salaries
Y 4.P 84/6 Select Committee on Post Office Leases (Senate)
Y 4.P 84/7 Special Committee on Post-War Economic Policy and Planning (Senate)
Y 4.P 84/8 Select Committee on Post-War Military Policy (House)
Y 4.P 84/9 Special Committee on the Post-War Economic Policy and Planning (House)
Y 4.P 84/10 Committee on Post Office and Civil Service (House)
Y 4.P 84/11 Committee on Post Office and Civil Service (Senate)
Y 4.P 92 Special Committee Investigating Presidential Campaign Expenditures (Senate)
Y 4.P 92/2 Special Committee on the Investigation of Presidential and Senatorial Campaign Expenditures (Senate)
Y 4.P 92/3 Special Committee to Investigate Presidential, Vice Presidential, and Senatorial Campaign Expenditures, 1944
Y 4.P 92/4 Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities (Senate)(
Y 4.P 93/1 Joint Committee on Printing
Y 4.P 93/2 Committee on Printing (House)
Y 4.P 93/3 Committee on Printing (Senate)
Y 4.P 93/4 Select Committee to Investigate Public Printing (Senate)
Y 4.P 93/5 Committee on Private Land Claims (House)
Y 4.P 93/6 Committee on Privileges and Elections (Senate)
Y 4.P 93/7 Committee on Private Land Claims (Senate)
Y 4.P 93/8 Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs (Senate)
Y 4.P 94 Special Committee to Investigate Propaganda or Money Alleged to Have Been Used by Foreign Governments to Influence United States Senators (Senate)
Y 4.P 96/1 Committee on Public Lands (Senate)
Y 4.P 96/2 Committee on Public Lands (House)
Y 4.P 96/3 Select Committee on Pulp and Paper Investigations
Y 4.P 96/4 Select Committee on Appropriations for the Prevention of Fraud in and Depreciations upon Public Service
Y 4.P 96/5 Committee on Public Expenditures (House)
Y 4.P 96/6 Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds (House)
Y 4.P 96/7 Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds (Senate)
Y 4.P 96/8 Select Committee on Public Health (House)
Y 4.P 96/9 Committee on Public Health and National Quarantine (Senate)
Y 4.P 96/10 Committee on Environment and Public Works (Senate)
Y 4.P 96/11 Committee on Public Works and Transportation (House)