TD 6.1 | Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (1966- ) |
P 12.1 | Salaries and Allowances Division (1900-1902) |
ES 4.1 | Salary Stabilization Board (1950-1953) |
T 66.1 | Savings Bonds Marketing Office (1945- ) |
A 106.1 | Science and Education Administration (1978-1981) |
LC 32.1 | Science and Technology Project (1948-1952) |
LC 33.1 | Science, Technology and Business Division (1952- ) |
P 3.1 | Second Assistant Postmaster General (1879-1949) |
T 14.1 | Second Comptroller (1880-1894) |
T 34.1 | Secret Service (1865-2003) |
SE 1.1 | Securities and Exchange Commission (1934- ) |
A 23.1 | Seed and Plant Introduction Section (1898-1901) |
Y 4.2 | Select and Special Committees (As Appointed) – |
Hearings, Prints and Miscellaneous Publications (House) | |
Y 4.3 | Select and Special Committees (As Appointed) – |
Hearings, Prints and Miscellaneous Publications (Senate) | |
LC 20.1 | Semitic Literature Division (1937-1939) |
Y 1.3 | Senate |
LC 6.1 | Serial and Government Publications Division (1907- ) |
LC 16.1 | Service for the Blind (1929-1936) |
W 63.1 | Shiloah National Military Park Commission (1894) |
SB 1.1 | Shipping Board (1916-1933) |
C 27.1 | Shipping Board Bureau (1933-1936) |
SB 2.1 | Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation (1927- 1936) |
C 12.1 | Shipping Commissioners (1903-1938) |
W 42.1 | Signal Office (1860-1947) |
A 25.1 | Silk Section (1889-1891) |
SBA 1.1 | Small Business Administration (1953- ) |
SDP 1.1 | Small Defense Plants Administration (1951-1953) |
SI 6.1 | Smithsonian American Art Museum (1980- ) |
SI 1.1 | Smithsonian Institution (1846- ) |
C 56.1 | Social and Economic Statistics Administration (1972-1975) |
FS 17.1 | Social and Rehabilitation Service (1967-1969) |
HE 17.1 | Social and Rehabilitation Service (1967-1977) |
FS 3.1 | Social Security Administration (1946-1969) |
HE 3.1 | Social Security Administration (1970-1995) |
SSA 1.1 | Social Security Administration (1995- ) |
SS 1.1 | Social Security Board (1935-1939) |
A 76.201 | Soil Conservation Service (1942) |
A 79.201 | Soil Conservation Service (1942-1943) |
A 80.2001 | Soil Conservation Service (1943-1944) |
A 80.501 | Soil Conservation Service (1944-1945) |
I 30.1 | Soil Erosion Service (1933-1935) |
I 48.1 | Solicitor (1941-?) |
P 6.1 | Solicitor for Post Office Department (1913-1952) |
J 11.1 | Solicitor General (1909-1939) |
N 8.1 | Solicitor of Navy Department (1908-1947) |
J 5.1 | Solicitor of Treasury (1880-1912) |
I 51.1 | Solid Fuels Administration for War (1943-1947) |
W 84.1 | Southeastern Department (1917-1920) |
W 69.1 | Southeastern Division (1903-1907) |
I 65.1 | Southeastern Power Administration (1950-1977) |
E 8.1 | Southeastern Power Administration (1995- ) |
W 83.1 | Southern Department (1913-1920) |
I 59.1 | Southwestern Power Administration (1943-1977) |
D 219.1 | Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (1968- ) |
PrEx 20.1 | Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention (1972- 1975) |
T 35.1 | Special Agents Division (1860-1915) |
M 117.1 | Special Services Division (1947-1949) |
FS 11.1 | St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (1940-1967) |
LC 34.1 | Stack and Reader Division (1954-?) |
Pr 32.4101 | State and Local Cooperation Division (1940-1941) |
LC 21.1 | State Law Index (1937-1939) |
S 12.1 | State, War and Navy Department Building Office (1883-1925) |
T 38.1 | Steamboat Inspection Service (1852-1903) |
C 15.1 | Steamboat-Inspection Service (1903-1932) |
W 61.1 | Submarine Defense School (1901-1908) |
W 5.1 | Subsistence Department (1775-1912) |
HE 20.8001 | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services |
Administration (1992- 1995) | |
HE 20.402 | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services |
Administration (1994- ) | |
A 76.301 | Sugar Agency (1942) |
A 63.1 | Sugar Division (1938-1942) |
GP 3.1 | Superintendent of Documents (1895- ) |
T 39.1 | Supervising Architect (1867-1920) |
Ju 6.1 | Supreme Court (1790- ) |
TD 13.1 | Surface Transportation Board (1995- ) |
D 304.1 | Surgeon General of the Air Force (1949- ) |
A 73.1 | Surplus Marketing Administration (1940-1942) |