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Latin American Indigenous Studies, Languages and Literature: Finding Book Reviews

An introductory guide to doing research on Latin American Indigenous authors, languages, and literature

Searching For Book Reviews

Book Reviews can be challenging to find by searching for an author or an incomplete title (especially a common one!),even in databases dedicated to them or in which you can narrow to “Book Reviews” or “Book Review Articles.”   This is because often the results of such a search will include book reviews written BY that author, rather than book reviews written ABOUT that author’s work.

For this reason, I suggest searching for as much of a particular title (Including the Subtitle) as possible, in ANY field, in quotation marks, and limiting to Book Reviews or Book Review Articles as in the facet/focus options on the left.

Running an initial search in UC Library Search is sometimes the fastest way to find book reviews, although other times it has limited results because this search engine has many more records to sift through than the databases listed below.  Nonetheless, this is a good first step.   Begin with a basic search (from the Library Home Page is fine) with the title in quotes.  Once those results come up, select the Reviews link on the left.

Reasons to Consult Book Reviews

Book reviews, ranging from simple summaries to in-depth critical analyses and evaluations, provide useful information for readers and researchers. Read book reviews to:

  • Find out what others have said about the book
  • Identify controversies about the book
  • Find out how the book relates to other works
  • Find out what’s being published in your field of interest
  • Easily identify new books for future reading (or books to avoid!)

The databases listed below will help you find reviews published in scholarly journals, popular magazines, and newspapers. In general, search for book reviews in article databases using the “advanced search” mode and limit by publication type to “book review” or “review.”

Interdisciplinary Databases Facilitating Book Review Searches

Book Review Databases