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Accounting Resources: Corporate Governance

This research guide provides high quality resources for Masters of Accounting program and others studying accounting at UC San Diego

Where can I get information related to corporate governance?

Ownership structure

  • Refinitiv Workspace
    The Company profiles include a Company Tree display and Ownership Summary.for top owners, institutional holdings profiles and more.
  • Mergent Online
    When you are looking at a company profile, click the Ownership tab to see institutional holdings, insiders and insider trades.
  • Leadership Connect
    This resource isn't as comprehensive a company listing as the first two ("top 1000" of U.S. and International public companies, primarily), but also includes non-profits and associations, law and lobbying firms, news media, and governments (federal, state and local).
  • Business Insights: Global
    Covers U.S and international, public and private companies.

Independent auditing firm

  • See the Investor Relations segment of the company’s website, or the latest annual report
  • Mergent Online
    Once you open an individual company's record, the auditor appears in the blue header, just under the address.
  • SEC's EDGAR database

Management compensation

  • Nexis Uni
    Use the Hoover's in-depth reports sift through company filings and news reports to cull all public compensation information. Steps: On landing page, click "All Nexis Uni" down arrow near search box; next, next select Company & Financial and Directories, then do your search. In the results list, enter "Hoover's Company Records" in the search within results box.
  • Mergent Online
    Executives tab
  • Refinitiv Workspace
    When you look up an individual company, then choose path Overview > Summary > Business Summary.. Detailed executive compensation for multiple years is displayed for clickable executive names (from DEF-14 and related filings), where available. Shortcut OFFD after company name search.
  • The above resources pick up the current compensation as reported to the SEC on their public website (no vpn required). Go here for more background on which forms to see if a., you can't find someone's, or b., you want additional years' info:

Biographical information and news on executives and board members

  • Nexis Uni
    On landing page, click "All Nexis Uni" down arrow near search box; next, next select; next select News, then check Profiles & Biographies, Interviews, and/or Letters & Comments; lastly, enter the personal or company name you'd like to find in search box.
  • You may have to supplement with additional news items from one or more of these sources. Search individual executives' names as keywords to see if they've written anything, or been interviewed in the press:
  • Leadership Connect, covers 40,000+ major U.S. and international businesses, news media, law and lobbying firms, nonprofit organizations, and U.S. government entities (federal, state and local). Details include contact information for leadership, boards of directors and key staff details. For top executives, it often includes education and related background info.