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Latin American Studies: Population, Including Census Information

An introductory guide to doing research in Latin American studies in the UCSD Library

Resources on Population

Latin American Census Material

There are several resources held by UCSD Library and beyond which contain Latin American Census Material.  These include:

1. The Family Search Digital Library, provided by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Salt Lake City, is increasingly digitizing its microflm materials to make them freely accessible available online.

To search for and access material for a particular region, create an account and go to the Family Search Research Wiki.

Use the Map or "Search by Place and Topic" box.  This will bring you to a country specific page where you can search for a more specific term or use the facet menu on the right to identify particular kinds of records and collections (church, census, etc.) 

For example, to get to Mexico's first census (the Padrones, gathered between 1752-1865) as well as additional Mexican Census Material:

From the Famiy Search Research Wiki 

> Search for Mexico, which will take you to the Mexico Genealogy Page

> Click on "Census" under record type on the left (Please note that you can also search for other formats and collections of vital statistics) OR Search for Padrones

(Either search brings you to the Mexico Census Page)

> Scroll down and click on: Padrones, 1752-1865

> Scroll down and click on the camera icon to the right of the documents you want to consult


2. The UCSD Library has purchased Datasets for relatively recent censuses in a number of Latin American Countries 

Brazil 2010, Population Census, GCA-GIS

Chile 2017, Population Census, GCA-GIS

El Salvador 2007, Population Census, GCA-GIS

Guatemala 2018, Population Census, GCA-GIS

Honduras 2013, Population Census, GCA-GIS 

Mexico, 2010, Population Census, GCA-GIS 

All of these can be found in the "Latin American Census Collection" and accessed with AD login on the X: drive in the GIS Lab.

3. National Centers of Statistics and Geographical information (such as Mexico's Instituto Nacional de Informacion Estadistica y Geografica: INEGI) hold a wide range of census materials