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Japan Resources Guide: GPS Focus: White Papers

White Papers


White papers are annual publications issued  by government offices  that describe policies and measures of the offices.  It is a good source to understand and overview the works of each government entity that publishes a white paper.



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Click YES for fulltext (usually does not carry most recent issue).

Titles (Romanized) Titles (Japanese) Online Text English Version 
Boei Hakusho 防衛白書 YES Defense of Japan
Chiho Zaisei Hakusho 地方財政白書 YES   
Chusho Kigyo Hakusho 中小企業白書 YES  
Gaiko Seisho 外交青書 YES Diplomatic Bluebook
Genshidryoku Hakusho 原子力白書 YES
Hanzai Hakusho 犯罪白書
Kankyo Hakusho 環境白書 YES Quality of the Environment in Japan
Keisatsu Hakusho 警察白書 YES    White Paper on Police
Keizai Zaisei Hakusho 経済財政白書 YES Annual Report on Japanese Economy and Public Finance
Kogai Funso Shori Hakusho 公害紛争処理白書 YES   
Kokumin Seikatsu Hakusho 国民生活白書 YES
Kosei Rodo Hakusho 厚生労働白書 Annual Health, Labour and Welfare Report
Seishonen Hakusho 青少年白書/子ども・若者白書 YES   
Sekai Keizai no Choryu 世界経済の潮流 YES  
Joho Tsushin Hakusho 情報通信白書 YES
Tsusho Hakusho 通商白書 YES White Paper on International Economy and  Trade
Monbu Kagaku Hakusho 文部科学白書 YES