Use these specialized encyclopedias as authoritative sources for general information on topics in atmospheric sciences, meteorology, and climate sciences. They provide information that you can use to learn more about a new subject, find introductory material for your papers, or to help you find ideas for research topics.
The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science is a substantive, peer-reviewed, and regularly updated resource for your research in all climate related areas. There are over 200 articles and summaries in this publication that are written and peer reviewed by certified experts of the topic. Easy to use interface allows searching for topics or browsing of broad subject areas. Click on the "Browse by Subject" link and note extensive list of topics, such as Climate Impact, Climate Systems, Communication, Forecasting, Geoengineering, History of Climate Science, Modeling, Policy, Politics & Governance, Risk Management & Adaptation, and Statistics.
These are only a few of the handbooks that are available online for you to use as background or introductory texts, and some authoritative websites specializing in climate related information. Use UC Library Search to find more handbooks on your topics.