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Biomedical Apps and Mobile Resources: Clinical Apps

Selected resources for "smart devices" from the Android, Apple, and Blackberry families.

Clinical Resources: Specialty Tools

ePSS from AHRQ app image 

ePSS: Electronic Preventive Services Selector (AHRQ)  [Free]
Designed to help primary care clinicians identify screening, counseling, & preventive med services based on current recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). Search by patient characteristics and/or selected behavioral risk factors. Email alerts for updates are also available.

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IDdx app image 

IDdx Infectious Disease Queries  [Free]
Query-based app with symptoms and epidemiological factors of 251 important infectious diseases organized into the categories arthropod-borne, bioterrorism, childhood, community-acquired, foodborne, gastroenteritis, sapronoses, localized infections, sexually-transmitted, and zoonoses. Find symptom information for a disease or find a list of diseases with a specific symptom. 

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Clinical Resources: General Info Tools

ACP Clinical Guidelines app image 

American College of Physicians Clinical Guidelines [Free]
Current Guidelines, Clinical Guidance Statements, and Best Practice Advice are the 3 types of recommendations available. Easily access these evidence-based clinical practice guidelines from ACP or one of the additional tools such as the ACP algorithms. Use the link above to get to the mobile website or install app from the Store.

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Medscape - eMedicine app image

Medscape  [Free]
This program has lots of great sections - find Disease & Condition information (4000+), step-by-step details on Procedures & Protocols (600+), a Drug Reference (8000+), and a Drug Interactions Checker (up to 30 drugs).  Amazon Kindle Fire app also available.  Must create a free account to use and when setting it up, It can be set up to access the content without an internet connection.

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CDC app image 

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention [Free]
The CDC's vast resources on the go include "disease of the week" topics with facts, prevention and interactive quizzes, articles from "Vital Signs," "Preventing Chronic Disease Journal," "Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal," and reports from "MMR." It also has plenty of images from their Public Health Image library.

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Up to Date app image 

Up to Date [Free with our subscription]
That well loved resource for clinical information from many specialties and general internal medicine. On campus, UpToDate is available when using the UCSD protected wireless network. Remote access is available when you are logged into the VPN, or use the mobile app.

You can install the app on your phone and skip the VPN process. You can earn CME/CE/CPD credit with the app. The Important First Step is to go to the main site and create an account when using an UCSD IP address.

Need to switch your account from one institution to UCSD?  Just let the old account expire and then use the same login credentials when on the UCSD network.  Switched!  Then you can re-synch your mobile app too.

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PubMed 4 Handhelds [Free]
The PubMed/Medline interface designed for the small screen (no graphics).  There are options on this page - an EBM focused PICO search form, a natural language tool called askMedline, find & read Journal abstracts or just go the mobile version of PubMed Medline.  Interesting tools, but the first and the last options may be the most helpful.  Try them all out via the web site or the app.

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Clinical Resources: Drug Info Tools

clin-pharm logo 

Clinical Pharmacology [Free with our subscription]
Search by name, indication/contraindication or adverse reaction, browsing their topics, or a multi-drug interaction report, plus nearly 200 clinical calculators. It also includes a consumer-friendly (English- & Spanish-language) medication information.

Special registration is required the first time from the Clinical Pharmacology website.

  • Once there, click the link in the top right corner
  • Use your UCSD email address
  • Follow the link in the confirmation email and choose to activate remote access for your account
  • Go download and install the apps.
  • Login with your new account

Note: Clin Pharm & Micromedex are the only 2 programs approved for patient use by the UCSD Medical Center.

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DailyMed app image 

Daily Med [Free]
This NLM mobile site (no app at this time) provides high quality information about marketed drugs and includes FDA labels (package inserts). Search by Name or NCD Code. It provides a comprehensive, up-to-date look-up and download resource of medication content and labeling as found in the package inserts.

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Epocrates app image

Epocrates   [Free]

Information on over 3,300 drugs and over-the-counter products plus it has an interaction checker and pill identifier. Additional tools include medical calculators, and formularies.  Search options include searching by drug class and you can also set it for landscape mode.  First, create an account online to use the app.   Premium version has many more tools - cost is about $175 per year.  (Also available for free, Epocrates CME.)
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LactMed app image 

Drugs & Lactation Database (LactMed) [Free]
Use LactMed to find information about drugs and breastfeeding. Includes information about maternal and infant drug levels, possible effects on lactation and breastfed infants, and alternative drugs to consider. LactMed was developed by Dr. Philip O. Anderson, Director of the UCSD Drug Information Service and is part of NLM's Toxicology Data Network (TOXNET®).

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Medscape - eMedicine app image

Medscape  [Free]

It provides a Drug Reference with 8,000+ items and a Drug Interactions Checker (up to 30 drugs at a time). It can also be set up to access without an internet connection. Amazon Kindle Fire app also available.  Must create a free account to use.
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Micromedex [Free with our subscription]
IBM Micromedex Drug Reference provides a full suite of tools for both android & apple IOS.
Micromedex Drug Reference contains concise information on 4500+ search terms, covering common needs.  The installation is a little bit different than usual.  

  1. Login to IBM Micromedex® through your online subscription.
  2. Click on the “Download Center” link near the top of the application.
  3. Refer to the detailed downloading instructions, which include your password for activating the mobile app at no charge.

Access to IBM Micromedex Drug Ref requires a password which is available at the links below along with installation details.  The password only needs to be entered once per year and the app will remind you when it needs a new one.  Find the password at the links below.

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mobilePDR [Free]
mobilePDR® is the OFFICIAL drug information app from PDR®, publisher of Physicians’ Desk Reference®.  It provides healthcare professionals FREE access to the most current drug prescribing information available from PDR.  Registration is required but it is free.

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