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SOC - Sociology: Finding Books and eBooks

UC Library Search

UC Library Search

UC Library Search UC Library Search includes all UC Libraries and some of Worldcat

UC Library Search, accessible from the search box on the library's homepage, helps you locate books, film, music, maps, and various other materials at the UC San Diego Library and beyond. It also contains a limited number of online journals and newspaper articles. You may search by keyword, title, and author, and filter your search to what is available online. You can also place an interlibrary loan request through UC Library Search for materials at other UC campuses or libraries worldwide using your Single Sign-On credentials.


Search Tips 

  • Sign in to access full results lists, electronic resources, request items, and save records. To access electronic resources, you must be logged into the VPN.
  • Capitalize the operators AND, OR, NOT when combining key search terms.
  • To request items that the Library doesn't have click the Request button.
  • Click Digitalization to request scans of print book chapters or print articles.


UC Library Search is one part of your complete search.


UC Library Search does not include all the content to which the Library subscribes. To extend your search, try a database. The database you use depends on the topic or subject you have chosen and the type of information you need to access. You may choose among broad subject areas (e.g., biology, art, political science, etc.), as well as interdisciplinary databases or ones that search across multiple disciplines. 

A-Z Databases

Browsing Sociology Books in the Geisel Library

The main area for anthropology books is on the sixth floor of Geisel Library, in the area with call numbers beginning with the letters HM:

HM401 - HM429 - General works

HM435 - HM451 - Historical periods

HM461 - HM473 - School of Sociology, Schools of Sociological Theory

HM500 - HM538 - Methodology

HM548 - HM554 - Relationship to other subjects (Art, Economics, Folklore, Literature, Political Science, etc.)

HM623 - HM626 - Cultural and Social Evolution

HM662 - HM700 - Social Control (Ethics, Justice, Rights, Norms, Values.)

HM711 - HM1281 - Groups and Organizations (Organizational Psychology, Deviant Behavior, Social Inequality, Social Psychology, etc.)

The books in Geisel Library are arranged by a system called Library of Congress Classification.  The letters and numbers ("CALL NUMBERS") on the label applied to the spine of each book represent this classficiation.  The call numbers are used to keep the books in order, arranged by subject and subarranged by author.

Further breakdowns within Class HM classifications may be viewed in the Library of Congress Classification Outline.