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Psychological and Medical Anthropology: Emotion in Self, Society & Culture

Emotion in Self, Society & Culture

Note: Unless otherwise indicated, these books are available in the Geisel Library.  A few of the sources are available online--for those which indicate "UCSD only" please follow these instructions when accessing from off-campus.

Abu-Lughod, Lila (1985), “Honor and the sentiments of loss in a Bedouin Society,” American Ethnologist 12: 245-261. Online access, UCSD only.

Abu-Lughod, Lila (1986), Veiled Sentiments: honor and poetry in a Bedouin society.

Bailey, F.G. (1983), The tactical uses of passion: an essay on power, reason, and reality.

Hochschild, Arlie (1979), “Emotion work, feeling rules, and social structure,” American Journal of Sociology 85: 551-575.  Online access, UCSD only.

Levy, Robert I. (1984), “Emotion, knowing, and culture,” in Culture theory: essays on mind, self, and emotion, R. Shweder and R. LeVine (eds.), pp. 214-237.

Lutz, Catherine (1986), “Emotion, thought, and estrangement: emotion as a cultural category,” American Ethnologist 1(3): 287-309.  Online access, UCSD only.

Lutz, Catherine and G.M. White (1986) "The Anthropology of Emotions."  Annual Review of Anthropology 15: 405-436.  Online access, UCSD only.

Lutz, Catherine and Lila Abu-Lughod, eds. (1990), Language and the politics of emotion.

Nussbaum, Martha  2001  Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions.  

Rosaldo,  Michelle Zimbalist (1984), “Toward an anthropology of self and feeling” in Culture theory: essays on mind, self, and emotion, R. Shweder and R. LeVine (eds.), pp. 137-157