This tab aims to help you better navigate this guide and directs you to some particularly good beginning resources for Psychological and Medical Anthropology Research.
The Search Strategies Tab discusses the difference between primary and secondary sources and ponts to important concepts and tools to use in online searching, such as boolean operators, truncation, and subject headings or descriptors.
For places to search for books, click on the "Books & eBooks" tab. The Dissertations and Theses tab is also important as dissertations and theses are book-length manuscripts that often constitute important sources of original information and have very comprehensive bibliographies.
To locate academic articles, use the resources listed on the "Articles" tab.
The "Encyclopedias+" tab points to many great reference sources which are really good places to begin your research or learn more about particular topics, terms, and methodologies.
The "Reviews of Current Research" and "Book Reviews" tabs point to resources and strategies to learn about research already done on given topics.
And the "Assistance with Writing, Citing, and managing Citations" tabs point to various tools to help you with writing and keeping track of the sources you use.
Some great starting points for Psychological and Medical Anthropology Research include: