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HILD 10 East Asian: The Great Tradition Early History and Cultures of China Korea, and Japan 1200 BC- AD 1200: Japan

Reference Sources


Kodansha encyclopedia of Japan (English)


Many articles are English translations from Japanese encyclopedias.

There are more than 11,000 entries covering 37 categories of information. These include encyclopedia standards such as history, literature, art, religion, economy, and geography. In addition, science, technology, law, women, folklore, plant and animal life, food, clothing, sports, and leisure are given separate categories. 


Historical and geographical dictionary of Japan / With illustrations and appendixes (English)


Encyclopedia of Japan : Japanese history and culture, from abacus to zori / Dorothy Perkins (English)




JapanKnowledge Lib = Japannarejji Lib


対訳日本事典 = the Kodansha bilingual encyclopedia of Japan / [編者] 講談社インターナショナル


日本古代人名辭典 / [編集竹內理三, 山田英雄, 平野邦雄]


歴史人名よみかた辞典 / [編集日外アソシエーツ]


日本史人名よみかた辞典 / [編集 日外アソシエーツ]



Historical Maps

Japanese Historical Maps

The Japanese Historical Map Collection contains about 2,300 early maps of Japan and the World. The collection was acquired by the University of California from the Mitsui family in 1949, and is housed on the Berkeley campus in the East Asian Library. Represented in this online collection are over 1,100 images of maps and books from this Collection. The maps were selected by Yuki Ishimatsu, Head of Japanese Collections at the East Asian Library, and scanned and put online by David Rumsey and Cartography Associates. The project was initiated by Peter Zhou, Director of the East Asian Library. Funding and project management is provided by Cartography Associates and the East Asian Library.

Isles of gold : antique maps of Japan / Hugh Cortazzi