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HIEA 155 China and the Environment: E-books


Ariti E-Books 华艺中文电子书  

It provides access to Chinese ebooks primarily published in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. It covers subjects such as philosophy, religion, natural sciences, applied science, social sciences, history, geography, language and linguistics, and literature and arts.

China Digital Library (Apabi E-books) 中华电子书苑

易阅通  UCSD purchased books 

Duxiu 读秀

More than 1.4 million full-text books

Currently available -- full-text searches, tables of content, and first 17 pages

Browse and forward purchase suggestions to Xi Chen,

Pishu 皮書 China Economy, Public Policy, and Security Database

These analytical reports published by the prestigious Social Sciences Academic Press, are intended to guide policymaking in the PRC.