These are instructions for UC San Diego Library personnel to submit articles, chapters, posters, and presentations to the Library research unit in eScholarship.
UC San Diego faculty, staff, and students who want to deposit articles and other works can refer to the eScholarship Repository User Guide for more information on depositing:
webinar Introduction to the UC Open Access Policies & UCPMS. Please find below the materials from the webinar:
Adding posters and presentations to eScholarship is somewhat odd. You can (and should) select the Presentations and Posters series as appropriate, but there is no actual option on the Submission Form for posters and presentations.
If your poster or presentation has been saved as a PDF, select Paper / Article and set the Publication Status to "not yet published." This option eliminates a required Journal Name field. The "published" and "accepted" options require that you include a journal title.
If you want to deposit your file as a Powerpoint or image file, select Non-Textual and complete the form. However:
Once you select how you want to deposit your work, just fill in the fields (see left column for more information). Attach your file(s), add keywords and metadata, review those final 3 checkboxes, and Submit when ready.