COOP | Continuity of Operations Program, HHS | unable to verify |
CPHST | Center for Plant Health Science and Technology | unable to verify |
DCH | Division of Community Health | unable to verify |
DIS | Division of Information Systems | unable to verify |
LGCP | Laboratory of Genitourinary Cancer Pathogenesis | unable to verify |
MedMorph | Making EHR Data More Available for Research and Public Health | unable to verify |
MS | Modeling and Simulation Branch | unable to verify |
NAWQA NLC | National Water-Quality Assessment Program National Liaision Committee | unable to verify |
ODA | Operational Data and Analytics Branch | unable to verify |
PHIO | Public Health Informatics Office | unable to verify |
SCCT | Supply Chain Control Tower Program | unable to verify |
SIIM | Office of Security, Intelligence, and Information Management | unable to verify |
SOC | HHS Secretary's Operations Center | unable to verify |
SPPR | Office of Strategy, Policy, Planning, and Requirements | unable to verify |
TBCC | Trust Beneficiary Call Center | unable to verify |