AITO | Artificial Intelligence & Technology Office > Office of Critical and Emerging Technology | changed to Office of Critical and Emerging Technologies |
BFELoB | Budget Formulation and Execution Line of Business | unable to verify |
BRADS | Biospecimen Repository Access and Data Sharing | unable to verify |
Budget LOB | Budge Formulation and Execution Line of Business | unable to verify |
CTCC | CUFR (Center for Urban Forest Research) Tree Carbon Calculator | unable to verify |
DHIS | Division of Health Informatics and Surveillance | replaced by OPHDST - Office of Public Health Data, Surveillance, and Technology |
EFS-Web | Electronic Filing System - Web | retired; replaced by Patent Center |
EPAS | Electronic Patent Assignment System | retired; replaced by Assignment Center |
ETAS | Electronic Trademark Assignmetnt System | retired; replaced by Assignment Center |
HSGI | High School Graduation Initiative | unable to verify |
OAST | Office of Accessible Systems & Technology | changed to CXD - Customer Experience Directorate |
PAIRS | Partnerships to Advance Innovation and Regulatory Science | changed to DPI - Division of Partnerships and Innovation |
PHS | Public Health Statements | unable to verify |
RCM | Regional Chemical Modeling | unable to verify |