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GovSpeak Errors: 2/24


AITO Artificial Intelligence & Technology Office > Office of Critical and Emerging Technology changed to Office of Critical and Emerging Technologies
BFELoB Budget Formulation and Execution Line of Business unable to verify
BRADS Biospecimen Repository Access and Data Sharing unable to verify
Budget LOB Budge Formulation and Execution Line of Business unable to verify
CTCC CUFR (Center for Urban Forest Research) Tree Carbon Calculator unable to verify
DHIS Division of Health Informatics and Surveillance replaced by OPHDST - Office of Public Health Data, Surveillance, and Technology
EFS-Web Electronic Filing System - Web retired; replaced by Patent Center
EPAS Electronic Patent Assignment System retired; replaced by Assignment Center
ETAS Electronic Trademark Assignmetnt System retired; replaced by Assignment Center
HSGI High School Graduation Initiative unable to verify
OAST Office of Accessible Systems & Technology changed to CXD - Customer Experience Directorate
PAIRS Partnerships to Advance Innovation and Regulatory Science changed to DPI - Division of Partnerships  and Innovation
PHS Public Health Statements unable to verify
RCM Regional Chemical Modeling unable to verify