Note: many of the items on this month's list are due to a redesigned CDC website
ATIP | Automated Track Inspection Program | unable to verify |
BCFB | Biotechnology Core Facility Branch | unable to verify |
CAF | COVID-19 Coverage Assistance Fund | discontinued |
CGH | Center for Global Health | changed to Global Health Center |
Core SVIPP | Core State Violence and Injury Prevention Program | replaced by Core SIPP - Core State Injury Prevention Program |
CPI | Counter-Proliferation Investigations | unable to verify |
CSTLTS | Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support | unable to verify |
DDID | Deputy Director for Infectious Diseases | unable to verify |
DGMQ | Division of Global Migration and Quarantine | changed to DGMH - Division of Global Migration Health |
DPEI | Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections | unable to verify; likely changed to DIDRI - Division of Infectious Disease Readiness and Innovation |
DPHPI | Division of Public Health Performance Improvement > Division of Performance Improvement and Field Services | unable to verify |
DSEPD | Division of Scientific Education and Professional Development | unable to verify |
DSR | Division of Scientific Resources | unable to verify |
EHS | Environmental Health Services Branch | unable to verify |
EORES | Earth Observation Requirements Evaluation System | unable to verify |
EQS | Enforcement Query System | retired |
ERTP | Extramural Research and Training Programs | changed to Extramural Research and Training (no acronym) |
eWORLD | Work-Related Lung Disease Surveillance System | unable to verify |
GSHS | Global School-based Student Health Survey | page archived |
HBI | Healthy Brain Initiative | changed to NHBI - National Healthy Brain Initiative |
HEDR | Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project | unable to verify |
HEMU | Health Economics and Modeling Unit | unable to verify |
HIV/AIDS | Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention | changed to Division of HIV Prevention |
HSB | Health Studies Branch | unable to verify |
HuGENet | Human Genome Epidemiology Network | unable to verify |
ICCE | International Office of Climate and Clean Energy | discontinued |
IRM | Bureau of Information Resource Management | changed to DT - Bureau of Diplomatic Technology |
ISD | Integrated Surface Database | replaced by GHCNh - Global Historical Climatology Network hourly |
LMBP | Laboratory Medicine Best Practices | unable to verify |
MT&D | Marine Trash & Debris Program > Marine Debris Program | reverted to MT&D - Marine Trash & Debris Program |
NCDRST | NIOSH Center for Direct Reading and Sensor Technologies | changed to CDRST - Center for Direct Reading and Sensor Technologies |
NCHYF | National Clearinghouse on Homeless Youth and Families | unable to verify; redirecting to RHYTTAC - Runaway and Homeless Youth Training and Technical Assistance Center |
NHPC | National HIV Prevention Conference | unable to verify |
OADMN | Outbreak Analytics and Disease Modeling Network | changed to Insight Net |
ODI | U.S. House Office of Diversity & Inclusion | dissolved |
OGPPH | Office of Genomics and Precision Public Health | unable to verify; possibly changed to DBDPHG - Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics |
ONDIEH | Office of Noncommunicable Diseases, Injury and Environmental Health > Deputy Director for Non-Infectious Diseases | unable to verify |
OSHE | Office of Safety, Health, and Environment | unable to verify |
OST | Office of School Turnaround | unable to verify |
PAO | Privacy Act Office | changed to Privacy Office (no acronym) |
QFAHPD | Quarterly Food-at-Home Price Database | replaced by F-MAP - Food-at-Home Monthly Area Prices |
QSDMB | Quantitative Sciences and Data Management Branch | unable to verify |
RDSB | Reagent and Diagnostic Services Branch | unable to verify |
SENSOR | Sentinel Event Notification System for Occupational Risks | unable to verify |
STDs | Sexually Transmitted Diseases | changed to STIs - Sexually Transmitted Infections |
YMSM | Young Men Who Have Sex With Men Project | unable to verify |
YTS | Youth Tobacco Survey | changed to NYTS - National Youth Tobacco Survey |