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GovSpeak Errors: 5/24


Note: many of the items on this month's list are due to a redesigned CDC website

ATIP Automated Track Inspection Program unable to verify
BCFB Biotechnology Core Facility Branch unable to verify
CAF COVID-19 Coverage Assistance Fund discontinued
CGH Center for Global Health changed to Global Health Center
Core SVIPP Core State Violence and Injury Prevention Program replaced by Core SIPP - Core State Injury Prevention Program
CPI Counter-Proliferation Investigations unable to verify
CSTLTS Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support unable to verify
DDID Deputy Director for Infectious Diseases unable to verify
DGMQ Division of Global Migration and Quarantine changed to DGMH - Division of Global Migration Health
DPEI Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections unable to verify; likely changed to DIDRI - Division of Infectious Disease Readiness and Innovation
DPHPI Division of Public Health Performance Improvement > Division of Performance Improvement and Field Services unable to verify
DSEPD Division of Scientific Education and Professional Development unable to verify
DSR Division of Scientific Resources unable to verify
EHS Environmental Health Services Branch unable to verify
EORES Earth Observation Requirements Evaluation System unable to verify
EQS Enforcement Query System retired
ERTP Extramural Research and Training Programs changed to Extramural Research and Training (no acronym)
eWORLD Work-Related Lung Disease Surveillance System unable to verify
GSHS Global School-based Student Health Survey page archived
HBI Healthy Brain Initiative changed to NHBI - National Healthy Brain Initiative
HEDR Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project unable to verify
HEMU Health Economics and Modeling Unit unable to verify
HIV/AIDS Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention changed to Division of HIV Prevention
HSB Health Studies Branch unable to verify
HuGENet Human Genome Epidemiology Network unable to verify
ICCE International Office of Climate and Clean Energy discontinued
IRM Bureau of Information Resource Management changed to DT - Bureau of Diplomatic Technology
ISD Integrated Surface Database replaced by GHCNh - Global Historical Climatology Network hourly
LMBP Laboratory Medicine Best Practices unable to verify
MT&D Marine Trash & Debris Program > Marine Debris Program reverted to MT&D - Marine Trash & Debris Program
NCDRST NIOSH Center for Direct Reading and Sensor Technologies changed to CDRST - Center for Direct Reading and Sensor Technologies
NCHYF National Clearinghouse on Homeless Youth and Families unable to verify; redirecting to RHYTTAC - Runaway and Homeless Youth Training and Technical Assistance Center
NHPC National HIV Prevention Conference unable to verify
OADMN Outbreak Analytics and Disease Modeling Network changed to Insight Net
ODI U.S. House Office of Diversity & Inclusion dissolved
OGPPH Office of Genomics and Precision Public Health unable to verify; possibly changed to DBDPHG - Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
ONDIEH Office of Noncommunicable Diseases, Injury and Environmental Health > Deputy Director for Non-Infectious Diseases unable to verify
OSHE Office of Safety, Health, and Environment unable to verify
OST Office of School Turnaround unable to verify
PAO Privacy Act Office changed to Privacy Office (no acronym)
QFAHPD Quarterly Food-at-Home Price Database replaced by F-MAP - Food-at-Home Monthly Area Prices
QSDMB Quantitative Sciences and Data Management Branch unable to verify
RDSB Reagent and Diagnostic Services Branch unable to verify
SENSOR Sentinel Event Notification System for Occupational Risks unable to verify
STDs Sexually Transmitted Diseases changed to STIs - Sexually Transmitted Infections
YMSM Young Men Who Have Sex With Men Project unable to verify
YTS Youth Tobacco Survey changed to NYTS - National Youth Tobacco Survey