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GovSpeak Errors: 10/23


AES Advanced Exploration Systems unable to verify
ASIWG Adaptation Science Interagency Working Group unable to verify
CCC Citizen Complaint Center changed to Complaint Center (no acronym)
DDI Bureau for Development, Democracy, and Innovation changed to IPI - Bureau for Inclusive Growth, Partnerships, and Innovation
DTRS Dryden Technical Reports Server unable to verify
ESRM Office of Environmental and Social Risk Management unable to verify
HEMS Tool Helicopter Emergency Medical Services Tool merged into GFA-LA - Graphical Forecasts for Aviation-Low Altitude
ISLSWG International Space Life Sciences Working Group unable to verify
LR2000 BLM Legacy Rehost System discontinued/replaced by MLRS - Mineral & Land Records System
MAPS Mobile Applications for Public Safety unable to verify
OCGS Organized Crime and Gang Section changed to VICAR - Violent Crime and Racketeering Section
PMPD Program and Project Management Policy, Practice and Development Division unable to verify
PPS Planetary Protection Subcommittee unable to verify
Project I-LAUNCH Indigenous Project Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children's Health unable to verify
RFS Bureau of Resilience and Food Security changed to REFS - Bureau of Resilience, Environment, and Food Security
SHI Sustainable Highways Initiative unable to verify
SSTP Small Spacecraft Technology Program changed to SST - same name
Y4Y You for Youth unable to verify