AES | Advanced Exploration Systems | unable to verify |
ASIWG | Adaptation Science Interagency Working Group | unable to verify |
CCC | Citizen Complaint Center | changed to Complaint Center (no acronym) |
DDI | Bureau for Development, Democracy, and Innovation | changed to IPI - Bureau for Inclusive Growth, Partnerships, and Innovation |
DTRS | Dryden Technical Reports Server | unable to verify |
ESRM | Office of Environmental and Social Risk Management | unable to verify |
HEMS Tool | Helicopter Emergency Medical Services Tool | merged into GFA-LA - Graphical Forecasts for Aviation-Low Altitude |
ISLSWG | International Space Life Sciences Working Group | unable to verify |
LR2000 | BLM Legacy Rehost System | discontinued/replaced by MLRS - Mineral & Land Records System |
MAPS | Mobile Applications for Public Safety | unable to verify |
OCGS | Organized Crime and Gang Section | changed to VICAR - Violent Crime and Racketeering Section |
PMPD | Program and Project Management Policy, Practice and Development Division | unable to verify |
PPS | Planetary Protection Subcommittee | unable to verify |
Project I-LAUNCH | Indigenous Project Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children's Health | unable to verify |
RFS | Bureau of Resilience and Food Security | changed to REFS - Bureau of Resilience, Environment, and Food Security |
SHI | Sustainable Highways Initiative | unable to verify |
SSTP | Small Spacecraft Technology Program | changed to SST - same name |
Y4Y | You for Youth | unable to verify |