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GovSpeak Errors: 9/24


ADMS Advanced Distribution Management System Program unable to verify
AHCY Assistance for Homeless Children and Youth unable to verify
APTF Advanced Placement Test Fee unable to verify
ASAP Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program changed to ASAB - Alcohol and Substance Abuse Branch
BEST Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool replaced by "check eligibility" page
CACGP College Access Challenge Grant Program unable to verify
CGO Community Guide Office unable to verify
ERRB Emergency Response and Recovery Branch merged into DGHB
FCSS Federal Commission on School Safety unable to verify
FITW First in the World defunded
GDD Global Disease Detection Program merged into DGHB
GEARS Global Emergency Alert and Response Service unable to verify
GHSB Global Health Security unable to verify
GPHIP Global Public Health Informatics Program unable to verify
HEER Higher Education Emergency Relief unable to verify
HiAP Health in All Policies unable to verify
HIG High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group unable to verify
IDSR Integrated Disease and Surveillance Response merged into DGHP
JNLWP Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate changed to JIFCO - Joint Intermediate Force Capabilities Office
LISD NOAA Library and Information Services unable to verify; redirects to NOAA Library website
NCLB No Child Left Behind unable to verify
NCRL NOAA Central and Regional Libraries unable to verify; redirects to NOAA Library website
NFRP NCI Funded Research Portfolio temporarily unavailable
NKSIP North Korean Serials Databases temporarily unavailable
NSRE National Survey on Recreation and the Environment unable to verify
OADPS Office of the Associate Director for Policy and Stragegy, CDC unable to verify
OAI Office of Academic Improvement unable to verify
OBL Office of Business Liaision changed to OPE - Office of Public Engagement
OEL Office of Early Learning unable to verify
OPI Office of Payment Integrity unable to verify
PAEO Policy Analysis and Engagement Office unable to verify
PEO Performance and Evaluation Office unable to verify
PRADO Policy Research, Analysis, and Development Office unable to verify
SCHIP State Children's Health Insurance Program unable to verify
SPACE Stochastic Population Analysis for Complex Events site archived
SSEC Smithsonian Science Education Center certificate error, able to access
WRF-Chem Weather Research Forecasting model coupled to Chemistry unable to verify