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ANTH 284: MA Practicum: Home

This guide provides information to assist students writing MA Theses in Anthropology.

Request a New Library Acquisition!


I am very happy to try to acquire print materials and/or e-versions of materials, including those assigned in classes.  IF YOU KNOW OF TITLES YOU WANT – ESPECIALLY EBOOKS TO INCREASE ACCESS RIGHT NOW -- please email me directly!  Likewise, our Film Librarian is very busy working to acquire online (streamable) versions of films.  If you need these materials for course use, please submit through Course Reserves.

For less urgent requests -- or to ensure that I will receive 2 messages about the item, use the Recommend a Purchase Form.

Additional Resources

Additional Research Guides which are particularly helpful given the focus on virtual services and tools at this time include:

Anthropology Online

Resources for Teaching Online

Copyright (including page on Copyright in Times of Crisis: Covid-19)

Film, Video and Streaming Collections, which provides significant information about accessing streaming film content and using it in instruction


The homepage for The University of California San Diego's Anthropology Department states that “Anthropology stands at the nexus between the social sciences, biological sciences, and humanities. It is dedicated to understanding the worldwide diversity of social institutions and cultural traditions, past and present, as well as to studying our nearest nonhuman relatives.” 

Schools and Departments of Anthropology across the United States and the world have different areas of specialization and foci, and UCSD's include: ArchaeologyBiologicalPsychological & MedicalLinguistic, and Sociocultural Anthropology.   The Anthropology Faculty at UCSD therefore identify with and belong to these clusters of subjects.

Consequently, UCSD’s Anthropology Department offers a full range of undergraduate and graduate courses in archaeology and in biological, social, cultural, psychological, political, and linguistic anthropology. Courses include offerings that focus on specific societies or regions of the world—especially Latin America, Asia, and Oceania—as well as more theoretically oriented topics. Students may enroll in archaeological field school and study-abroad programs in the Middle East, Latin America, and the Mediterranean. Students will also have opportunities to gain hands on experiences in our research laboratories and special facilities.

Use the tabs to navigate this guide, and be sure to scroll down to see the content on each page.  

Click on the tab "Beginning Your Research in Anthropology" to identify key, specialized Anthropology resources which provide excellent starting points for Anthropology research.  Please also email me if you have additional research questions, would like to set up a research consultation, or have other suggested resources to include in this guide.


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Sarah Buck Kachaluba
Geisel Library (west wing)