Our live, on-campus Read Out is Wednesday, Oct. 1, 11:30-2pm, in front of Geisel Library.
You may drop in during those hours. If you'd like to reserve a time, sign up here, and we'll do our best to accommodate your schedule.
Video Content Guidelines
You have four DIY video format options for the 2014 Banned Books Virtual Read-Out:
1. Read from a banned or challenged book. Three minute video. This is the most popular option and usually includes some brief introductory information on where and why the book was banned or challenged. You may also add a comment about why you believe the book is important.
For ideas, check out these lists of:
2. Pick a favorite banned/challenged book and in three minutes discuss why the book means so much to you and how you would feel if someone prevented you from reading the book.
3. A video of an eyewitness account of local challenges can be submitted. This video should be no longer than three minutes long, also.
4. Create a promotional video for Banned Books Week like the videos featured here. The video should be no longer than five minutes long. The video’s message should focus on celebrating the freedom to read during Banned Books Week.