This is a quick guide to get you started. If you have any questions or difficulties, I encourage you to email me or schedule a Zoom appointment with me (links under my picture).
A number of print and online dictionaries are listed in the next section. It is not an exhaustive list! There are many more dictionaries available in the library.
The best way to find a dictionary is to search UC Library Search. Most dictionaries will be in print and some will be available online. Use the filters on the left-hand side of the page to help narrow down results. You can choose options such as "Available online" or "Held by library."
A text in the original language:
In the Library catalog, search for an author or title, then use the Language filter on the left-hand side
Searching the phrases "parallel text," "dual language," or "bilingual" can also be helpful
To expand your search, use the Advanced Search to change the scope from UC San Diego Library Catalog to WorldCat
A book in Geisel:
The catalog record will tell you which floor of Geisel the book is on. Books are arranged by subject, using the Library of Congress system of call numbers consisting of letters and numbers. Books are put on the shelf in alphabetical and then numerical order by its parts.
A book can be paged from the shelf for you to be picked up on the Hold shelf on the main floor of either Geisel or WongAvery. This generally takes a day or two. Sign in to the catalog and hit the Request link.