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Weekly Roundup Archive: WR 8/22/20

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This page is an attempt to provide current awareness of federal government reports and activities. The page will be updated weekly to provide links to important, newsworthy, or interesting material published during the previous week. The goal is to keep the links to a manageable number for readers, not to be a comprehensive listing.

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Please keep in mind that government agencies may present material in a way that reads favorably for the government. You are encouraged to consult other resources (e.g. newspapers) for additional information and/or context.

Press releases : Aug 22 - Aug 28

Note: statements concerning ongoing civil protests are being compiled on a separate guide

8/23 - FDA Issues Emergency Use Authorization for Convalescent Plasma as Potential Promising COVID–19 Treatment, Another Achievement in Administration’s Fight Against Pandemic (FDA; see also, Press briefing remarks by Trump, Azar, and Hahn and F.D.A. ‘Grossly Misrepresented’ Blood Plasma Data, Scientists Say via New York Times, with links to source documents)

8/24 - Army finds Pebble Mine project cannot be permitted as proposed (Army COE; see also, Chair DeFazio Statement on U.S. Army Corps Requesting Additional Review of Pebble Mine Project)

8/24 - Secretary DeVos Issues New Distance Learning Regulations to Spur High-Quality Distance and Competency-Based Programs, Better Serve Diverse Population of Higher Education Students (ED)

8/24 - USCIS Implements DHS Guidance on DACA (USCIS)

8/25 - Administrator Wheeler Statement on Cancellation of Bipartisan PFAS Destruction Research Squashed by Obama EPA Leadership (EPA)

8/25 - New Report Shows Opportunity Zones on Track to Lift One Million Americans Out of Poverty (HUD; direct to report)

8/25 - USCIS Averts Furlough of Nearly 70% of Workforce (USCIS)

8/26 - Department of Justice Requesting Data From Governors of States that Issued COVID-19 Orders that May Have Resulted in Deaths of Elderly Nursing Home Residents (DOJ)

8/26 - Remarks of Deputy Attorney General Jeffery A. Rosen on Malign Foreign Influence in U.S. Elections (DOJ)

8/26 - Multi-Agency Update on North Korea Cyber Threat (FBI)

8/26 - NCEI: NOAA’s Data Archive and More (NCEI)

8/26 - OSC Clarifies its Hatch Act Role in Light of Republican National Convention (OSC)

8/27 - Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Issues Analysis of HMDA Data Points (CFPB; direct to report)

8/27 - As Schools Reopen, U.S. Department Of Labor Answers Questions About Eligibility for Paid Leave and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (DOL)

8/27 - Federal Open Market Committee announces approval of updates to its Statement on Longer-Run Goals and Monetary Policy Strategy (Fed)

8/28 - Tip Sheet re: forthcoming/recent releases (Census)

8/28 - ICE releases report on nonimmigrant students in US (ICE; direct to report)

8/28 - Treasury and IRS Issue Guidance Deferring Certain Payroll Tax Obligations (Treas)

Miscellaneous : Aug 22 - Aug 28

8/24 - Warren to Postal Service Board of Governors: Immediately Release Your Federal Financial Disclosures (Congress)

8/24 - In Response to Van Hollen-Led Letter, Social Security Administration Reveals Devastating Impact of Permanently Eliminating Payroll Tax (Congress)

8/24 - Definition of Waters of the United States - Advice and comment on the proposed rule – SAB final report and Agency response  (EPA SAB)

8/25 - Senate Democrats’ Climate Committee Releases New Report On Climate Action, “Plan To Build Clean Economy For American People” (Congress, with link to report)

8/26 – Independent Monitor report on the use of temporary housing for minors and families under Title 42 (Courts, via @aflores on Twitter)

8/28 – House Committee on Homeland Security hearing: Protecting America's Democracy: Ensuring Every Vote Counts (Congress)

8/28 - Engel Announces Contempt Proceedings against Pompeo (Congress)

8/27 - President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate the Following Individual to a Key Administration Post (White House); see also, Chairman Thompson Statement on Trump Plan to Nominate Chad Wolf as Homeland Security Secretary

8/26 - Chairwoman Titus Demands Answers from Trump Administration Over its Attempt to Dictate Architectural Style of Federal Buildings and Courthouses in Communities Across the U.S. (Congress)

8/26 - Subcommittee Chairman Connolly Requests Info on Postmaster General’s Secret Communications with Trump Campaign (Congress)

8/28 - FBI’s Pre-Processed List of Previously Released Files (FBI FOIA, via The Black Vault)


Bills Signed into Law: Aug 22 - Aug 28

Information below is from Date listed is date signed into law, and the description is an abbreviated version of bill summary available on that website.

- none this week