The Inspector General Act of 1978 can be found in Title 5 of the U.S. Code. This act requires federal Inspectors General to submit Semiannual Reports (SARs) to Congress, describing their respective offices' activities during the six-month reporting period. Chapter 4, Section 405 further details the types of information to be included in the SAR, such as descriptions of significant problems, recommendations for corrective action, summary of matters referred to prosecutorial authorities, lists of audit/inspection/evaluation reports issued, and summaries of the most significant reports, among several other pieces of information. Each agency is required to submit a "Management Response" to each OIG SAR.
The agency links on this page point directly to the SAR portion of each IG website, when possible. Most SARs can also be found at; use the "report type" filter to limit to semiannual reports.