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Weekly Roundup Archive: WR 1/9/21

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This page is an attempt to provide current awareness of federal government reports and activities. The page will be updated weekly to provide links to important, newsworthy, or interesting material published during the previous week. The goal is to keep the links to a manageable number for readers, not to be a comprehensive listing.

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Please keep in mind that government agencies may present material in a way that reads favorably for the government. You are encouraged to consult other resources (e.g. newspapers) for additional information and/or context.

Press releases : Jan 9 - Jan 15

Statements related to the January 6 attack on the Capitol are being compiled on a new guide.

1/10 - Terrorist Designation of Ansarallah [Houthis] in Yemen (State; see also, Meeks Leads Lawmakers in Denouncing Pompeo’s Reckless Yemen Policy)

1/11 - Increases in oil and natural gas reserves interrupted in 2019 (EIA; direct to report)

1/11 - EPA FY 20 Environmental Justice Report Highlights Progress in Vulnerable Communities (EPA; direct to report)

1/11 - HHS Launches Web-Based Locator for COVID-19 Outpatient Treatment (HHS)

1/11 - Getting Notifications When Schedules Are Open for Comment (NARA)

1/12 - EPA publishes 2019 Annual Toxics Release Inventory Report and Analysis (EPA; direct to report)

1/12 - Statement on climate change flyers falsely attributed to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (NOAA; see also, House Science Committee chair’s statement and request for investigation, as well as CERES statement on publishing on publishing the flyers, which are captured in the Internet Archive)

1/13 - Bureau of Land Management announces draft environmental impact statement for Desert Plan Amendment (BLM; see also, Feinstein: Changing Mojave Desert Plan Now Makes No Sense

1/13 - Justice Department Publishes Statement on 2016 President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology Report (DOJ)

1/13 - Office for Civil Rights Delivers Annual Report to Congress Highlighting Major Milestones and Achievements in Protecting Students' Rights (ED; direct to report)

1/13 - Statistical Summary of 21-Month Campaign Activity of the 2019-2020 Election Cycle (FEC)

1/13 - Service Signs MOU to Recruit, Retain and Retrain Hunters in Partnership with NRA (FWS)

1/13 - Opportunity to Comment: Draft Standard Data Elements for Electronic Records Management (NARA)

1/14 - Census Bureau to Release 2020 Census Geographic Products  (Census)

1/14 - DOD Releases Industrial Capabilities Report (DOD)

1/14 - Statement by U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia on Unemployment Insurance Claims (DOL; see also, claims report)

1/14 - EPA Releases 2020 Year in Review Highlighting Agency Accomplishments and Environmental Progress under Administrator Wheeler (EPA; direct to report)

1/14 - ODNI Releases ODNI Attorney General Procedures for Conducting Intelligence Activities (ODNI; direct to report)

1/15 - After Nearly 50 years Interior to Revoke Public Land Withdrawals in Northwestern Alaska Covering 9.7 Million Acres (BLM)

1/15 - Across the Commerce Department: 2020 Year in Review (DOC)

1/15 - Department of Energy Launches Minerals Sustainability Division to Enable the Ongoing Transformation of the U.S. Energy System and Help Secure a U.S. Critical Minerals Supply Chain (DOE)

1/15 - EPA Releases 2020 Report on Supporting Rural America (EPA; direct to report)

1/15 - FCC Releases Paper on TV News and Market Size (FCC)

Bills Signed into Law: Jan 9 - Jan 15

Information below is from Date listed is date signed into law, and the description is an abbreviated version of bill summary available on that website.

1/13 - S.1310 — Organization of American States Legislative Engagement Act of 2020: directs State Dept. to report to Congress a strategy for supporting the anti-corruption and human rights promotion efforts of the Organization of American States (OAS)

1/13 - H.R.2502 —Transparency in Federal Buildings Projects Act of 2019: requires the GSA to make available to the public on its website all prospectuses submitted by the GSA to Congress concerning certain proposed public building projects and associated information

1/13 - H.R.4508 - Malala Yousafzai Scholarship Act: requires the USAID to award at least 50% of the number of scholarships under the Merit and Needs-Based Scholarship Program to Pakistani women for each of the calendar years 2020-2022

Miscellaneous : Jan 9 - Jan 15

1/8 - These Emails Reveal The Drama Behind The GSA’s Decision Not To Certify Biden’s Win (via BuzzFeed News, with source documents)

1/11 - Chad Wolf has resigned as acting secretary for the Homeland Security Department (via New York Times; see also,  Wolf’s memo to DHS (via @KannoYoungs) and Chairman Thompson Statement on Chad Wolf’s Resignation from DHS)

1/11 - 2020 Economic Security Annual Assessment (DHS pubs)

1/11 - Guidance on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DHS FOIA)

1/11 - Ways and Means Democrats Release Framework to Achieve Health and Economic Equity (Congress)

1/12 - Committee Chairs Condemn Trump Administration’s Attempt to Gut Civil Rights Act by Issuing Unlawful, Last-Minute Rule (Congress)

1/12 - Supreme Court Revives Abortion-Pill Restriction (via New York Times, with link to source document)

1/13 - Interior spokesman ordered employees to promote Trump’s Twitter during 2020 campaign (via CREW, with link to source documents)

1/13 - Chairs Condemn Eleventh Hour HHS Rule Undermining Nondiscrimination Protections in Adoption and Critical Social Services (Congress)

1/13 - Undersecretary Wolf – Signed Ratification of Delegable Prior Action (DHS; note – Wolf remained in his position as undersecretary of policy after resigning as acting secretary)

1/14 - Office for Civil Rights Issues Technical Assistance Document Regarding Single-Sex Scholarships, Clubs, and other Programs (ED; direct to guidance Q&A)

1/15 - Clyburn Issues Statement on Biden Plan to Accelerate Vaccine Distribution (Congress)

1/15 - Last-Minute Rule Seeks Term Limits on Top Career Health Officials (via New York Times, with link to source document)

1/15 - Sonia Sotomayor Condemns Trump’s Execution Spree: “This Is Not Justice” (via Slate, with link to source document)