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Attack on the U.S. Capitol / Impeachment: Home


The goal of this guide is to compile documents and statements by government officials related to the riots at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 by supporters of Donald Trump.

  • As the attack was related to Congress meeting to certify Joe Biden's presidential win, the guide will also include statements about certifying the election made by officials immediately prior to the attack.
  • Because objections were being raised about certain states' vote counts, the guide also points to relevant statements by state officials.
  • Also included are important announcements about security for the Biden Inauguration.
  • And because the attack has led to a historic second impeachment of Donald Trump for inciting the attack, the guide also includes a timeline linking to official impeachment documents.

While it is beyond the scope of this guide to point to media accounts of the attack, such accounts abound online and can provide crucial information for understanding the events.

Please Note: with the start of the 118th Congress in January 2023, many of the links on this guide (especially those in the House of Representatives) are no longer active. As possible, though, all links were captured in the Internet Archive so you should be able to find archived copies there using the URLs on this guide.

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Kelly L. Smith
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