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Weekly Roundup Archive: WR 5/29/21

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This page is an attempt to provide current awareness of federal government reports and activities. The page will be updated weekly to provide links to important, newsworthy, or interesting material published during the previous week. The goal is to keep the links to a manageable number for readers, not to be a comprehensive listing.

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Please keep in mind that government agencies may present material in a way that reads favorably for the government. You are encouraged to consult other resources (e.g. newspapers) for additional information and/or context.

Press releases : May 29 - June 4

6/1 - Interior Department Suspends Oil and Gas Leases in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (DOI)

6/1 - FTC Staff Provides 2020 Annual Financial Acts Enforcement Report to the CFPB (FTC; direct to report)

6/2 - Annual Report on Civilian Casualties in Connection With United States Military Operations in 2020 (DOD)

6/2 - Biden-Harris Administration Launches Relief Program to Improve Access to Affordable Water Services (HHS; direct to website)

6/2 - New global partnership to elevate marine protected areas as tool in climate response (NOAA; direct to website)

6/2 - USGS, FWS Report Highlights Impacts of Sediment Management on Barrier Islands, Wildlife and Ecosystems (USGS; direct to report)

6/3 - Former Senior FinCEN Employee Sentenced to Six Months in Prison for Unlawfully Disclosing Suspicious Activity Reports (FBI)

6/4 - U.S. Department of Education Publishes Request for Information Regarding the Nondiscriminatory Administration of School Discipline (ED)

6/4 - U.S Department of Education Releases COVID-19 Handbook Volume 3: Strategies for Safe Operation and Addressing the Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education Students, Faculty, and Staff (ED; direct to report)

6/4 - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and NOAA Fisheries to Propose Regulatory Revisions to Endangered Species Act (FWS; see also, House Natural Resources chair statement)

6/4 - Periodic Report of the United States of America to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (State; direct to combined 10th-12th reports and annex to report, both in .docx format)

6/4 - The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Marks the 100th Anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre (USCCR)

Bills Signed into Law: May 29 - June 4

Information below is from Date listed is date signed into law, and the description is an abbreviated version of bill summary available on that website.

- None this week

Congressional Hearings: May 29 - June 4

See full weekly list of hearings on

- None this week