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Weekly Roundup Archive: WR 11/12/22

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This page is an attempt to provide current awareness of federal government reports and activities. The page will be updated weekly to provide links to important, newsworthy, or interesting material published during the previous week. The goal is to keep the links to a manageable number for readers, not to be a comprehensive listing. All links are captured in the Internet Archive if possible, and a list of earlier roundups is available.

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Please keep in mind that government agencies may present material in a way that reads favorably for the government. You are encouraged to consult other resources (e.g. newspapers) for additional information and/or context.

Press releases : Nov 12 - Nov 18

11/14 - FBI Releases Third Quarter 2022 Statistics from the National Use-of-Force Data Collection (FBI; direct to data explorer)

11/14 - Library of Congress Opens Award Nominations for Outstanding Federal Libraries, Librarians and Library Technicians (LOC)

11/14 - USITC Releases Report Cataloging the Distributional Effects of Trade and Trade Policy on Underrepresented and Underserved Communities (USITC; direct to report)

11/15 - Rural America at a Glance: 2022 Edition (ERS)

11/15 - USDA Forest Service Launches Interactive Map Showcasing Wildfire Reduction Projects (FS; direct to website)

11/15 - National Archives at Riverside Collaborates With California Universities to Digitize Chinese Heritage Records (NARA)

11/15 - NCSC and Partners Unveil “Safeguarding Science” Toolkit to Help U.S. Research Enterprise Guard Against Threats (ODNI; direct to toolkit page)

11/15 - National Museum of African American History and Culture Debuts Freedmen’s Bureau Search Portal (SI; direct to website)

11/15 - White House Releases Updated State Fact Sheets Highlighting the Impact of President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law One Year into Implementation (WH)

11/16 - National Archives to Transfer George W. Bush Museum Operations to the George W. Bush Foundation (NARA; see also, House Oversight chair statement)

11/17 - Census Bureau Releases New Estimates on America’s Families and Living Arrangements (Census; direct to stats page)

11/17 - Justice Department and Department of Education Announce a Fairer and More Accessible Bankruptcy Discharge Process for Student Loan Borrowers (DOJ; direct to at-a-glance document and guidance)

11/17 - New Report Released to Commemorate 155 Years of Federal Education Statistics (NCES; direct to report page)

11/17 - U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Releases Report: Contemporary Civil Rights Challenges: A View from the State Advisory Committees (USCCR; direct to report)

11/17 - USDA Proposes Science-Driven Updates to Foods Provided Through WIC (USDA; see also, FAQs)

11/18 - Biden-Harris Administration Announces $13 Billion To Modernize And Expand America's Power Grid (DOE)

11/18 - Appointment of a Special Counsel [to oversee Trump investigations] (DOJ; see also, AG remarks and Special Counsel statement)

11/18 - FCC Releases New National Broadband Maps (FCC; direct to maps page)

11/18 - Online Native Cinema Showcase Brings Indigenous Films to Audiences Worldwide (SI; direct to website - note: films available until 11/25, 11:59pm EST)

Bills Signed into Law : Nov 12 - Nov 18

Information below is from Date listed is date signed into law, and the description is an abbreviated version of bill summary available on that website.

None this week

Inspectors General reports : Nov 12 - Nov 18

It's time for Fall SARs, which report OIG activities and significant findings/ recommendations for April - September, 2022. You can use this page to see which of the latest SARs are available.

11/14 - Fiscal Year 2023 Peak Season Preparedness (USPS)

11/18 - TIGTA Announces Launch of New Website (TIGTA; see also, archived website)

Miscellaneous : Nov 12 - Nov 18

11/12 - Internal Documents Show How Close the F.B.I. Came to Deploying Spyware (via New York Times, with source documents)

11/15 - Judge blocks Title 42 limits at border (via Politico, with links to source documents; see also, DHS statements from 11/15 and 11/16)

11/15 - DHS blocked vital research on domestic threats, say terrorism experts (via Washington Post)

11/16 - Peters Investigative Report Shows DHS and FBI Are Not Adequately Addressing Domestic Terrorism Threat (Congress; direct to report)

11/16 - Leading Advocacy Groups Press Congress to Pass "Free PACER" Bill During Lame Duck (via Fix the Court)

11/17 - Transcript of Pelosi Floor Speech on Future Plans (Congress; see also, video via C-SPAN and president’s statement)

11/18 - U.S. Backs Immunity for Saudi Leader in Lawsuit Over Khashoggi Murder (via New York Times, with source document)

Trump search warrant:

Docket for Trump v. United States, District Court, S.D. Florida (court documents via Court Listener)

11/13 - Court files show evidence Trump handled records marked classified after presidency (via The Guardian, with link to source document – DOJ filing re: Annotated Logs of Disputed Documents)

11/14 - Trump’s lawyers call unclassified Mar-a-Lago documents ‘personal’ property (via Washington Post, with source documents - DOJ response to Trump brief and Trump response to DOJ brief; see also, DOJ principal brief on global issues and  Trump principal brief on global issues)

11/15 - U.S. appeals court orders arguments next week in Trump records probe (via Reuters)