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Primary and secondary sources on Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars (CCAS) Friendship Delegations: Books, Articles and Book Chapters

This is an annotated bibliography of materials for studying the CCAS delegations' trips to China in 1971 and 1972.

Articles and Book Chapters

Fairbank, John King. 1974. China perceived; images and policies in Chinese-American relations. New York: Knopf; [distributed by Random House].

Pye, Lucian. 1977 " Building a Relationship on the Sands of Cultural Exchanges," China and America: the search for a new relationship. New York: New York University Press. p118.

1971. " CCAS Delegation in China", Eastern Horizon, 10(5) :7-16. 

Mirsky, Jonatha. 1972. China after Nixon. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 402, China in World Today, July, 

吴炯.  2010. “1972-3 五彩无锡” ,《发现无锡》, 严克勤主编, 上海三联书店, p454-459

Lanza, Fabio. 2017. The End of Concern: Maoist China, Activism, and Asian Studies. Duke University Press. 

何慧 He Hui. 2017. 当代中美民间交流史(1969-2008)Dangdai Zhongmei minjian jiaoliushi, 1965–2008 [Contemporary Chinese and American folk exchange history, 1965–2008]. Beijing: Kexue chubanshe.