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Film, Video, & Streaming Media Collections: Finding and Requesting Films including Streaming Media

Finding Films including Streaming Media

Use UC Library Search to locate streaming media, DVDS and more across the collections from the University of California's libraries.

For DVDs: Limit to Resource type - videos

For Streaming media: Limit to Available - Online and  Resource type - videos

Also try the Streaming Media featured collection in UCLS

UC Library Search Tips:

  • Use caps for AND OR NOT to combine search terms. 
  • Use quotes to keep two or more words together as a phrase.
  • The Resource Type filters will limit to a specific type of source.
  • You must sign in to access online materials or use the Request function.

Also visit the Find Media page for additional information about accessing and borrowing media.

Requesting Films including Streaming Media

Once you have determined that the Library does not currently provide access to a film that you need for research or teaching, please fill out the following form:  

  • Please make your request as soon as possible.
  • Your request will be evaluated based upon the Library's collection development policies and current budgetary constraints.
  • Your request will be reviewed to determine if the resource is currently available to acquire. The Library can only license or acquire films for institutional use.
  • Licensed films will be made available to all campus affiliates.