Provides series statistical data on China. As of November 2017, the EPS Data Platform includes 41 China databases sourced from industrial, regional and national organizations, covering various subjects/industries/fields and all regions of China. It offers data retrieval, processing, analysis, forecasting, visualization display and data export. EPS China Statistics has both English and Chinese versions, and contains over 1.2 million basic and combined statistical indicators in time series with a yearly increment of more than 30 million numeric data. URL to Chinese version:
China Statistical Yearbooks Database 中国经济社会发展统计数据库(select titles from CNKI)
China monthly statistics / China Statistical Information and Consultancy Service Centre
数据 [electronic resource] / 北京市 : 数据杂志社
中国统计摘要 / 国家统计局编
Secondary Source