Use this link to enter the site for OECD reports, annual statistical compilations, ebooks, and data. (UCSD-affiliated users only)
OECD's iLibrary has narrative and data resources related to energy resources, production and use. The topics range includes fossil fuels, emissions, electicity, nuclear, renewable and sustainable energies, climate change, energy technology and more. Here are a sampling of the materials. To see the full list, use the iLibrary link located in the box below.
CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion
'The data in this book show the evolution of the emissions of CO2 from 1971 to 2008 for more than 140 countries and regions by sector and by fuel. Emissions were calculated using IEA energy databases and the default methods and emission factors from the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.'
Energy Policies of OECD Countries
'This series consists of two components. The first is an annual compilation by the International Energy Agency containing a broad analysis of recent trends and an easily accessible overview of energy policy during the last 12 months along with summaries of individual country reports done during the period. It also presents the major findings of the latest World Energy Outlook, key statistical information and brief summaries of major IEA publications released during the past year. The second component is the set of country reviews produced each year. IEA countries are on a five-year review cycle, which means that approximately five countries are reviewed in detail each year and published as part of the Energy Policies of IEA Countries series.'
Energy Technology Initiatives
'Through its broad range of multilateral technology initiatives (Implementing Agreements), the IEA enables member and non-member countries, businesses, industries, international organisations and non-government organisations to share research on breakthrough technologies, to fill existing research gaps, to build pilot plants and to carry out deployment or demonstration programmes.'