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Anthropology: Books & eBooks

Finding Books

There are many resources to use to find books at UCSD, as well as in the broader San Diego, California, and Global Community.  UC Library Search (displayed and accessed at the center of the UC Library Homepage) allows users to search the local UCSD and UC wide catalogs, as well as WorldCat – which identifies holdings across the globe.  UC Library Search also incorporates records from many databases (so you can search for articles at the same time that you search for books, microform, government documents, and more) and it also includes faceting, which helps you to narrow down the results of your search by format, subject, or other criteria.   In addition, it is possible to expand a UC Library Search to include global results via WorldCat.  See also the Keyword Search Strategies and Tools Box by Scrolling Down on the Beginning Your Research in Anthropology tab of this guide.


UC Library Search

UC Library Search UC Library Search includes all UC Libraries and some of Worldcat

UC Library Search, accessible from the search box on the library's homepage, helps you locate books, film, music, maps, and various other materials at the UC San Diego Library and beyond. It also contains a limited number of online journals and newspaper articles. You may search by keyword, title, and author, and filter your search to what is available online. You can also place an interlibrary loan request through UC Library Search for materials at other UC campuses or libraries worldwide using your Single Sign-On credentials.


Search Tips 

  • Sign in to access full results lists, electronic resources, request items, and save records. To access electronic resources, you must be logged into the VPN.
  • Capitalize the operators AND, OR, NOT when combining key search terms.
  • To request items that the Library doesn't have click the Request button.
  • Click Digitalization to request scans of print book chapters or print articles.


UC Library Search is one part of your complete search.


UC Library Search does not include all the content to which the Library subscribes. To extend your search, try a database. The database you use depends on the topic or subject you have chosen and the type of information you need to access. You may choose among broad subject areas (e.g., biology, art, political science, etc.), as well as interdisciplinary databases or ones that search across multiple disciplines. 

A-Z Databases

E-Book Collections

See the eBooks research guide for lists of major ebook collections and significant information about how to print, download and/or read ebook material online.  See also the Access to eBooks and Dissertations and Theses tabs linked via drop-down menu beneath this one.

Browsing Anthropology Books in Geisel Library

The main area for anthropology books is on the sixth floor of Geisel Library, in the area with call numbers beginning with the letters GN:

  GN49-298        Physical anthropology.

  • GN51-59            Anthropometry
  • GN62.8-265       Human variation
  • GN269-279        Race (General)
  • GN280.7            Man as an animal.  Simian traits versus human traits
  • GN281-289        Human evolution
  • GN282-286.7          Fossil man.  Human paleontology
  • GN296-296.5     Medical anthropology

  GN301-674        Ethnology.  Social and cultural anthropology

  • GN357-367        Culture and cultural processes (social change, structuralism, diffusion, etc.)
  • GN378-396        Collected ethnographies
  • GN397-397.7     Applied anthropology
  • GN406-517        Cultural traits, customs, and institutions
  • GN406-442              Technology.  Material culture    
  • GN448-450.8            Economic organization.  Economic anthropology
  • GN451-477.7            Intellectual life
  • GN478-491.7            Social organization
  • GN492-495.2            Political organization.  Political anthropology
  • GN495.4-498            Societal groups, ethnocentrism, diplomacy, warfare, etc.
  • GN502-517               Psychological anthropology
  • GN537 674            Ethnic groups and races
  • GN550 674                By region or country
  • GN700 890        Prehistoric archaeology

     The books in Geisel Library are arranged by a system called Library of Congress Classification.  The letters and numbers ("CALL NUMBERS") on the label applied to the spine of each book represent this classficiation.  The call numbers are used to keep the books in order, arranged by subject and subarranged by author.