Everything I Need to Know About the UC San Diego Libraries
What does UCSD have?
How can I make copies of articles or books (book chapters)?
Can I Access "It" from Home?
What if UCSD does not have what I need?
A first step to searching for materials on your topic is to talk to experts who can suggest beginning sources to you: your professors and anyone else that they recommend.
There are three useful principals to remember and apply when searching any kind of electronic search tool (a library catalog, a digital library, a database, the internet, etc.)
1. Keyword search in any resource will point you to great initial resources, but you will not find all of the resources you need this way.
2. Follow up on your initial searching:
a) Check article details to identify subject headings that could help.
b) Find similar articles and scan article references to find additional resources.
3. Keep yourself organized -- use a notebook (print or digital), use citation tools in the database or via UC-eLinks, and learn to use citation software (Zotero, EndNote Online) to capture the resources you find through your searches.