In UC Library Search, “score” can refer to any kind of printed music, including a set of parts like the four parts for a string quartet.
For symphonies and other orchestral works we have study scores, not part sets. For operas or musicals we have study scores and/or piano-vocal arrangements. For ensembles of nine players or fewer, we have part sets and sometimes study scores as well.
When using UC Library Search you want to limit your search results to scores only: after performing your initial search, in the Refine Your Results column, select the pull-down menu Resource Type. From that, select Scores. If you are looking for a set of parts or a piano/vocal score, add the word Parts or Vocal Score to you initial search. For example:
Most of our scores circulate; the main exceptions are the majority of the M2 and M3 collected works, the large bound volumes that serve as reference scores.
The Music Scores Collection is located in the Geisel Library East Wing 1st Floor, on the north end next to the music books.
A collection of contemporary music scores presented in a virtual booklet format allowing you to read music while you listen.
Features contemporary self-published scores by major composers and critical editions of compositions that are lesser known but often studied.
Many public domain (expired copyright) scores have been digitized at various sites. These are useful in particular if you want to print out a shorter piece such as an aria or piano etude.
Popular songs are usually published in anthologies. Use a keyword search in UC Library Search with the song title, and if known add the band or songwriter name. Folk song anthologies often do not have all of the song titles listed in UC Library Search.
The score call numbers enable browsing. For example, works for solo clarinet are under M72, then filtered under the Author/Creator, Subject, or Genre categories (left nav bar) if you want to find items by composer, instrument, or music type. So you can also browse the shelves for similar works.
This chart shows the general call number breakdown. You may adjust the M72 call number search above with any from the LC chart that are of specific interest to you.