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PubMed: Getting started with PubMed @ UC San Diego

Where to start with PubMed - the Customized Link

PubMed is a key database for health & life science topics.  It is a free database for anyone to use which means it is more difficult to directly connect you to our subscribed resources.  Thus, we have a special link to PubMed and once you have it, you can bookmark or favorite it in your browser for easier access.

UC San Diego Authors in PubMed

Search for UCSD-authored articles to finde collaborators, mentors, advisors, or experts.

Please specify how you would like to search
          The National Library of Medicine's (NLM's) controlled vocabulary thesaurus.
  The MeSH concepts that are the main points of the article.

Note: Starting in 2014, the author affiliation field started including information on all authors for an article. Articles prior to that time only listed one author - the corresponding author - so it will not be a complete list.  The Web of Science database offers a more comprehensive author search.

Search form initially developed by Gautam Bahl, MSIII UCSD School of Medicine. Copyright 2004 UC Regents.  Modifications made July 2018.

PubMed Guides & Handouts

PubMed Class Handouts  -- always a good starting point.


Tutorials from the the National Library of Medicine